
Things to see in Corsica?

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I'm going to Corsica this summer. I have never been, nor do I know that much about it. Who know some great things to do and see? I really want to get a feel of the place.




  1. Here are some of the interesting places with photos (when I have some):

    Porto Gulf area

    - Calanche de Piana

    - Porto tower and town

    Corte area (central corsica)

    - town of Corte

    - Restonica valley and hiking path to lake of Melo

    Cap Corse (tip at north of the island)

    Southern Corsica

    - bouches and town of Bonifacio

    - Lavezzi islands

    No photos yet online

    Filitosa megaliths (sculpted menhirs)

    Town of Bastia

    Town of Ajaccio

    no photos online yet

    There is a small train that runs between Ajaccio and Bastia via Corte and Vizzavona in 4 hours.

    Aiguilles de Bavella

    Balagne region

    - town and fortress of Calvi

    - Revellata

    - villages on top of hills surrounding the region

    Central corsica road from Ajaccio to Corte

    - Vizzavona forest

    - Cascades des anglais

    Desert des Agriates

    - a couple of beaches that are only reachable by boat or dirt roads

    Ostriconi valley and Patrimonio (Northern Corsica, near Bastia)

    - Patrimonio wine producing area

    - Ostriconi beach and villages of Lama and Urtaca

    Center of Corsica

    - Forest of Tartagine Melaja

    - Forest of Aitone

    - Scala di Santa Regina

    - Asco valley and mountain paths

    Eastern Corsica

    - beach of Palombaggia (think paradise)

    It is a long answer, but honestly, I forgot a bunch of places.

    One thing you should know is that Corsica is a rather rugged mountainous island with summits at 2000m (6000 feet). Roads are qui sinuous and it takes a long time to reach the opposite side of the island.

    I would therefore recommend that:

    - you hire a car

    - you stay in two different places : one in the North, the other in the South

  2. I think you've got all the informations you need with the given answers.

    I just want to tell you how lucky you are! (and how jealous I am :-)

    I used to go there with my grand parents during the summer holidays until I was 15, and Corsica is one of the most beautiful place I've ever seen.

    I'm sure you'll enjoy your trip!

  3. You are very lucky indeed. I visited "Beauty Island"  (this is the nickname given to Corsica) 5 years ago and fell in love with it.

    There are very nice places to visit on the western coast. I definately advise you to visit Calvi, to see the "Calanques de Piana" and "l'île Rousse".

    If you intend to go south, don't miss Porto Veccio and Bonnifacio.

    I would not advise you to visit the eastern coast as it is not so lovely but if you like hills and mountains, you can also spend a few days in the centre of the island, in Corte for instance. There are a few interesting things to see and do there (climbing...)

    Have a nice vacation, you lucky devil!

  4. What can I add? You are lucky, indeed. I visited all Corsica and it's really the Island of Beauty. Stay as much as you can, you have a lot to see and do, believe me. Enjoy your trip !

  5. Everything is beautiful on this island. The part I like the less is the Eastern coast because it's flat. But it's nice anyway.

    My favorite places are the Cap Corse, the Porto area (Calanques de Piana) and Porto-Vecchio.

    I love the beaches, the flavors, the food, the small villages, the river in the mountains, ... there are so many preserved places. The only bad thing is it's overcrowded in the summer. But you can always find quiet spots.

    Have a great time in the 'île de Beauté'

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