
Things to talk about to keep your mind from wandering to Twilight??

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Lately all I've been talking about is i was wondering if there was anything i could do to keep my mind from wandering to that section? I'm obsessed, I know.




  1. hmm...

    i have that problem sometimes. talk to people that are obsessed with twilight too. lol.

    or get a hobby to talk about.

    answer mine?;...

  2. Read another book!!!!

    They were okay books but there are SO many better ones out there that you can read and your mind will stop wandering to them.

    You should read more harry potter haha. I started reading the series over again after i finished twilight.

  3. yea i know! im the same. I spent 3hrs online last night doing Twilight related things last night. :) Like, making pics out of assorted icons... yeah. Tell me when you find something.

    OH! You can grieve over the loss of Midnight Sun... :(

    :( :( :( :( :( :( :( it just sucks :(  

  4. Im 100% obsessed dont fight it give in  

  5. I've been like that since march. I'm still the same. if you find something do tell me

  6. Well-written books and great writers- i doubt you'll think of Twilight then ;)

  7. haha i have the same problem. when i finished the books i immediately read a different book so that i could be occupied with something else. but unfortunately i finished it all too soon.

    one way is to get it out of your system. either find a bunch of friends and have a discussion group. or find a group online. or answer tons of questions about it on yahoo answers. just do something like that for a while and soon you will be able to think clearly again.

    another way is to busy yourself with something else. maybe try reading another book, or writing your own book. try focusing the obsession on something else.

    sadly there is no medicine that will help OCD (obsessive cullen disorder) suffering people.... yet.

  8. Don't worry....I'm obsessed too. lol

    I haven't read another book out of that series in about a few months.

    Just embrace


    100% Team Jake!!!

  9. i wish i could help you, but i have the same problem. i swear to god i saw a silver volvo today and BAM! edward cullen came into my thoughts. lol. everything i see reminds me of twilight........its a drug!

  10. first of all, put away the book(s) somewhere where you won't look at them regularly.  then find some sort of hobby or talk to a friend that's never read the books.  don't read them for a long time.  eventually you forget the little tiny details and start thinking about other things.  stay out of the literature section of Y!A and start getting into things that have absolutely nothing to do with the book.

  11. i had the same problem for a month after i read all the books, and then it passed somewhat and came back after i read Breaking Dawn. i still am in love with edward cullen, but i somewhat am over it, because i figured there are guys out there like him, and i'll find one. i thought SO much about the saga...and i am a lot like bella, which made everything kind of hard to deal with...but now i'm fine...besides, school is starting soon, and you'll be with your friends a lot and you will be thinking about stuff that doesn't have to do with twilight or the saga...don't worry, it'll pass! hope i helped!

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