
Things you KNOW you would regret eventually?

by  |  earlier

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<like cheating on you significant other> lol




  1. not to applying of my job after I was graduated in college

      not to fighting it against my friends,my brothers and my aunt because I&#039;m the weakness of all time and I&#039;m not to fighting it anymore

      I&#039;m really an addicted in yahoo answers and using the computer

      not to practicing to designing of my clothes and not to continue it to do it a pattern making

  2. Hahahaha. That&#039;s all i can think of, right now, Dave. But that&#039;s very remote. Not in this lifetime.

    But to answer your Q, Smoking is no. 1 in my list. Need i explain more?

  3. stop studying and being with somebody whom i don&#039;t really love

  4. - Marrying at a young age coz you only get one time chance to be young.

    - Passing up on good opportunities coz it only come once in your life.

    - Being idle coz you&#039;re wasting your time.

    - Not trying your best in doing things. That&#039;s what you call a real failure.

  5. taking education for granted..

    converting religion..

    smoke a cigarette..

    use anykind of illegal drugs. [:

  6. not using a condom

    following a religion that doesnt allow condoms or any birth control methods

  7. spending so much on newer gadgets when the slighly older ones are still working perfectly.. *sigh* adik tlaga ako.. lol..  

  8. hmmm,seems like everything thats fun and i want to do is either immoral, illegal or bad for my health,ain&#039;t life great!.make love no war!

  9. my weight.. it seems like im bloated or something...

  10. helping others to lighten up their life&#039;s burden, but when you needed them, they won&#039;t give you back any even how minimal it would be. Life is full of social parasites.

    i have heard lots of aunts or uncles who&#039;d helped financed educating their relatives but in the end, they were just forgotten.

  11. stopped studying. i shouldve enjoyed my HS and college life in a good, productive way

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