
Things you would want if you were in a car in the middle of nowhere?

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what are 15 things you would want or need if you were in the middle of nowhere in a car?




  1. Personal protection, water, MRE's, blankets, cell phone or radio. That's about all you need really.

  2. Water


    First aid supplies



    Flashlight or emergency light

    Cell phone

    Rope and bungee cords

    Several heavy duty garbage bags

    A blanket

    Gun and ammo

    Bedding and sanitation supplies

    Needed medicines

    An extra pair of shoes


  3. With modern equipment, it wouldn't take that much! However you didn't say what condition the car was either! Such as whether it runs, and is capable of being driven!  It would make good lodging/shelter, - if you could get to water and animals for food!

    So lets look at it two ways!   The first is whether you were ever going to expect to be rescued, - or had lto live a "robinson Carouso" life from there foreward! By the way it has to be small enough to haul in a car also!!

    First of all I would do this,- if there were If it were unlikely somebody would miss me ,-or know where to look!

    1. 5-10 gallons of clean"drinkable water", - enough for you      and your car)- if you develop a leak, you want enough to run the car on, - plus some to drink for a few days!

    2.  Gastank near as possible to full, - plus at least 5-10 gallons of extra!   Maybe you can drive far enough to get out to civilization!

    3.  You also need about a change of oil extra too! Just in case you have oil loss-(like a hole poked in oilpan).

    4 Basic mechanics tools so you can do some repairs if needed (I'm a mechanic, - so go nowhere without them anyway)!

    5. Basic "spares" Top and bottom radiator hoses, - 4 feet of radiator house.  Maybe you can repair cooling system so you can keep driving car!

    6. Firearm, preferably rifle ,but 30 cal or larger pistol ok --also- single shot 22 rifle  (and supply of ammuniotion for weapon you do have)!  

    7. Several dozen strike anywhere matches dipped in parrifin, - and stored in plastic bottle!  Woudn't hurt to have a few books of paper matches also!

    8.  A couple cheap "tarps" at least 6x8 or bigger. --- You could have a 5x8 "pop up" tent, but tarps more versitile!

    9.  50 - 100-- feet of 1/4 inch rope (capable of 250# tensile strength) There are all kinds of things you can do with rope when in desperate conditions!

    10.  Good flashlight(s), and a couple sets of batteries, - cheap LED lights good here because they don't use batteries quick, and they don't cost much, - so you can afford several!

    Or maybe one of more of those "shake up"flashlights, -- so you always have electricity available to run them!

    11.  Folding shovel (easy to keep in vehicle all the time).

    12.  Camp axe, or hatchet at least - one of those "boyscout" types with hatchet and "hunting knife" together on scabbord to hang on belt!

    13. Clothes appropriate for climate and area you expect to be going into.

    14 Couple blankets- Tarps are reasonable substitute if you can't have both!

    15 Several cans of food (and a can opener to open them with)!

    The above items would allow me the best chance of survival, as well as being able to repair car enough to get somewhere - where at least the terrain would "support life". If you can get to a place with water, animals, and reasonable place to build shelter, - I could probably exist there infinately!

    Now If I expected to have people searching for me, I would eliminate several of these things, - if I had to!


    First of all I consider the first 5 items above to be part of my basic traveling kit at all times! Except that I like to carry 2-3 gallons in "explosion proof can (which costs more than a regular gas can)! And generally I have about 3 cans of oil on board all the time!   And it is assumed that you have good tires, (and a good spare), - also I carry electric air compressor to top off tires with if they develop leak!


    So lets start with #6.  Rifle (and ammunition as above)

    7.  Camp axe (or hatchet)

    8. Clothes

    9. Blanket (or tarps if can't carry both).

    10. Matches

    11 .  Cellphone (or possibly CB built into car radio?) - also there are "sattelite communication" available radios nowdays. Some cell phones are locatable by gps from built in stuff in phone!

    12. GPS handheld unit would be handy here (some cars have them built in now)!  With GPS you copuld find out which direction to go to get to shelter quickest, - or perhaps to find your way again.  And of course if you had contact with world - you could tell them where you are!

    13 Archaic item called a compass, - in case you don't have hand held gps! This has been effective for hundreds of years!

    14 Good map that includes all the areas you might possibly end up in!

    15 A good first aid kit would also be useful--- This is also part of standard stuff included in my car all the time! Because you or somebody else could get hurt any time!!

    The second list would probably take care of anything you would come up against -- if it took 3-4 days.   You naturally would tell somebody where you were headed, - when you planned to arrive, - and it wouldn't hurt to "check in" every couple days, so they know how far you have gotten, (if it is a really long trip).  Also a "general route" is helpful too! Obviously it would be helpful for them to know about where to look for you!

    Now I'm a pilot, and had Arctic survival training in service (45 years ago), - So I would probbly be equipped a little better to survive............. You could also include a "survival book" in your "glovebox attire" it could save your life - or somebody elses (when combined with first aid kit)!!

    In airplane, your most useful equipment would be your "ELT" emergency locator transmitter, and blankets first aid kit, -and

    matches.  Lots of "tools" can be made from parts of the airplane,- if you are in fair condition! And we file a "flight plan" -(if we are smart)! So somebody knows where to look and find me (hopefully)!

    Note in addition to radio/cellphone, -( flashlight at night)-gas oil, and anything else that burns makes good signal to passing aircraft that may be watching for missing people!

  4. Rifle



    Lots of gasoline

    Dependable car

    in no particular order.

  5. -Water

    -Food high in protein and carbohydrates but moderate in fat

    -Extra Clothes

    -A journal to write about my experiences in the middle of nowhere


    -Good shoes for running and hiking

    -A computer with satellite wireless internet access

    -My favorite computer games


    -A tent with a sleeping bag

    -My favorite books

    -Pictures of you, pictures of me



    -p**n and/or a hot chick. Plus lots of condoms.

    Oh, yeah I need a flashlight, too. Maybe I'll pass up on the tent, and just keep the sleeping bag, and a flashlight, too.

    I can sleep under the stars. I have slept under the stars. It's much more fun than in a tent.

  6. For starters -

    1. a full tank of fuel

    2. something to munch on

    3. a good map

    4. emergency locator transmitter with voice capability

    5. blanket & pillow

    6. water

    7. warm clothing & boots

    8. moist towellettes

    9. a good trail partner

    10. folding handle shovel

    11. matches

    12. flashlight

    13. flares

    14. basic tool kit

    15. duct tape

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