
Things you wouldnt want to hear at a fancy restaurant?

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what are some things you wouldnt want to hear at a fancy restaurant?

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  1. Mc-anything!! :D

  2. That will be $500.

    Your card has been declined.

    Someone found a bug in their food.


  4. Hey, are you gonna eat that?

    Excuse me sir or ma'am, I seemed to have lost my retainer.

    Hey Louie, I thought you said the pest controller wouldn't eat here anymore.

    What do mean, Ratotouille is back wanting a job?

  5. OMG!!! OMG!!! The assistant cook lost his little pinkie in an accident. Anyone found it in their food?

  6. "The kitchen is closing soon"

    Anything that kind of makes me feel unwelcome

  7. ''are u ready to leave''

  8. i wouldn't wanna hear someone cut a loud a$$ f**t!! or burp or throw up

  9. "sorry your steak took so long, sir.  we had to cook it a little longer after it fell on the floor."

    "i apologize for the wait.  we've had a rash of explosive diarrhea and projectile vomiting among our guests this evening."

    "the chef sends his regards, and promises you will find no hairs in this one."

    "you don't want to know what's in the house dressing."

    "the soup of the day is yesterday's."

    "i'm sorry, sir.  that's the only way we serve it.  if you'd like the head removed, i'll fetch you a knife."

    "pardon me, sir.  someone more respectable would like your table.  i'll have to ask you to leave."

    "don't worry.  i always wash my hands before i use the restroom."

    "try the wine.  it masks the taste of the food."

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