
Think I drank too much last night? and should I feel like this?

by  |  earlier

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last night at around 10 pm my friends and I went out partying..I'm not sure how much I had...but me and my friend guessed between 6 and 10 shots of 80 proof vodka in the span of a half hour to an hour and a bit of a mixed drink maybe a little beer...but I did chase most of the shots with mountain 1 Pm I was on the ground, vomiting and wanting to rip my head off because I was so 3 pm I was standing outside my friends house wondering how the h**l I got there

now it's about 11:09 pm the next night and I still feel a little S****y, with a headache and a slightly upset stomach. I'm 19 years old approx. 6'2" and I weight around 220 lbs...I don't usually get hangovers, so i was wondering how long it should last, or if it should be over by now




  1. You are hungover. Try to chase the drinks with something that wont dehydrate you even more (soda doesn't hydrate you, and in fact will make you more dehydrated). Dehydration is what gives you a headache, your body can't process the contaminants out of your body so they sit in your bloodstream and make you feel crappy, always drink lots of water after drinking heavily, and throughout the next day.

  2. yes it's called a hangover.

  3. You're definitely hungover. Sleep it off tonight and hopefully you will be better tomorrow. Next time you will know better.  

  4. It's not abnormal to have a hangover 24 hours later if you didn't drink lots of water today and have a decent amount of food.  It didn't help that you had lots of Mountain's so sweet, it's bound to affect you.  Try and get some food in your system and a couple more glasses of water or fruit juice (avoid carbonated drinks tonight) and then try to get a good night's sleep.  It also wouldn't hurt to pop a couple aspirin or ibuprofen!

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