
Think I messed up my cycle...?

by  |  earlier

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I had read about Vitex and how it can help with Luteal Phase Defect (mine tends to be 10, 11 or 12 days). I had no idea when to take it during the cycle so I started taking it at the beginning of this one, then when reading about it some more I read it can inhibit the role of FSH and in turn inhibit ovulation since eggs won't develop properly without the FSH, so I stopped taking it about 4 days ago (am 16 days into my cycle). I usually get a high fertility reading on my CBE detector kit around day 16, but it is still reading as low...could I have inhibited ovulation this cycle with vitex? Also, I had a pretty obvious temp. drop yesterday and then it shot up today (took it about 1.5 hrs later than usual though) significantly. Could I have ovulated and the detector missed it?




  1. Not sure about the Vitex as I started Fertility Blend this month (which has Vitex in it) and have the same question.  But I will say that a luteal phase of at least 10 days is sufficient and if you get up to 11 or 12 on your own, I wouldn't think you need a supplement.  Good luck and I hope you get the answer you're looking for.

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