
Think This Is Normal.............?

by  |  earlier

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36 weeks pregnant today yipeeeeeee

Anyways for the past week now i'v been gettin alot of period like pains across the bottom on my bump......

I get this when doin anything....

It makes me stop what i am doin and it takes my breath away and i need to do some breathing exercise because the pain gets stronger then goes away about 1 minute later.


I cant even walk my dog without my lower back hurting to much and my sides again hurting and acking and i need to sit down and the pain goes away lowly.


Been having also alot discharge, white/clear gooey stuuff and somtimes its yellow only when wiping and there is alot of it. also had some spoting of blood in it only 3 times out of the 3 weeks of having this.

IS THIS NORMAL????????????????

how many close is labour?




  1. Sounds like your having Braxton Hicks contractions.

    Good luck-shouldn't be long now!!

  2. Well to me it sounds like braxton hicks contractions. I'm suprised that walking has made it worse for you. That was the only thing that helped me at all. And the discharge is normal you've probably lost your mucus plug.

    I would just start timing your "pains" and if they appear regular call your doctor.

    The back pain is what's called back labor and it SUCKS royally. If you haven't made the choice already I would ask your doctor about the epidural. It saved me!!!

    Good Luck!

  3. As all the others have said before me it sounds like the good old braxton hicks, how ever if they get more painful and frequent, give the delivery suite a ring, if your waters go then you defiantly have to call them as they will most likely ask you to go in. also the midwives are there to give advice and reassure you too.

    baby wont be long now though

    congrats in advance

  4. it is very normal your body is changing and preparing itself for what its about to go threw plus the belly is expanding so your going to feel some kind of pain

  5. The pains seem normal and are called Braxton Hicks contractions.  They are not real contractions but it's your body's way of getting ready for the birth...a bit like practise pains.

    If your having discharge of any kind, especially if there's alot of it, ask your GP or midwife for advice as it could be something simple.  Best to check with a professional for the sake of you and your baby.

    Good luck!  :)

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