
Think about it - Is the image I'm making the image I see when the man in the mirror is talking to me?

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Think about it - Is the image I'm making the image I see when the man in the mirror is talking to me?




  1. You are refracting the images from the mirror and reflecting on this even though each and every human sees something different, they reflect to the point of where this subjectivity can be generalized to comunicate with others and with the matching of reflections we see (understand) the same general image.

  2. I started thinking about this, then glanced at your avatar, and now I'm wondering why you have a man in your mirror.

  3. Not exactly.  The man in the mirror says one thing, and you perceive it, maybe closely, maybe not, so that the image you are making is at best one step removed from its source.

    "We see in a mirror dimly, but one day face to face"

  4. Yes. Definitely YES. Who said that? It's great! Everything we perceive it gets "seen" (acknowledged) only after it is reflected in a mirror. There are all kinds of mirrors: bathroom-mirror, reaction-from-other-mirror, accidents-mirror, happy-unexpected-events-mirror.... Everything works like a mirror to our thoughts ("making") because we can only perceive  ("see")what we are able to create. And in fact we superficially and immediately respond to what we observe ("the man talking" to us) The man talking to us in the mirror is the reflection of our thoughts actually coming into existence.

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