
Think about this imagine all the humans and animals were obliterated from this world?

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where would all the humans come from and animals? will the world stay by itself alone? what will happen




  1. what a peaceful thought for this planet...

  2. i dont think he would. maybe he would get rid of everything and then let everbody live in either heaven or h**l and not do anything else, bacause he is very happy now! :)

  3. Sir:

    Humans are animals.

    To answer your question, plants would survive, flourish and in some tide pool somewhere lightning would hit and the animal evolutionary process would start all over again.  In a few million years you might see Antelope with huge heads, walking upright, designing buildings and burying their dead.

  4. no

  5. The world would be run by insects that would mutate into gigantic species that will build space ships and fly to other planets and obliterate all other living life forms until they've successfully wiped out the whole universe.

  6. Who knows what would happen. It would throw everything out of balance, and it might not recover. The plants could all die, and the atomsphere could become messed up permanently, so Earth could just become an uninhabitable rock.

  7. God can remake everything

  8. If all the humans and animals were to vanish then no one would be here to wonder what if, or how.  It would just be a planet like all the others.....uninhibited.

  9. earth would become a giant cockroach colony

  10. Once the humans and animals have gone.  That's it.  No more humans or animals as we know it

  11. the aliens would come live on it

  12. Tooo late it is happening and The Big boys don't care they are called politicians

  13. yes

  14. As long as it remains bacterial lifeforms on this planet, life can regain its evolution trend toward larger organisms. Its once you wipeout all thos bacterias that were the origin of life as we know it, that life could just not sustain itself anymore! But for this to happen, it takes very specific climatic conditions that must be extremes, so as to avoid the rebirth of those first bacterias... Also, since our planet still have 500million years to live, I am not sure that complex life could make it from a simple bacteria in this period.

  15. We'll just have to wait and see, seeing as it looks like we may be heading there soon.

  16. There would be huge changes that would take place ecologically.  There are numerous species of plant that rely on animals to either spread their seeds or to pollinate them.  They would die.  The bacteria and viruses that rely on us and the animals would also die.  The world wouldn't go back to a pre-human state, as we've moved many native species around.

    New species would probably slowly arise to fill niches that would be abandoned by animals.  They probably wouldn't look much like what we're used to, but, eventually, we'd probably have large, mobile creatures again.

  17. Sure God can remake anything but everything  isn't going to be obliterated. We already know what is going to happen to the world.

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