
Think about this very carefully.....?

by  |  earlier

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This is not easy to explain, but I will try my best.

What if, in an effort to win the lottery, you noted down a date of a big draw (for example one on an easily remembered date like New Years Eve - as we have one on this date in Britain).

Now say you wrote this date down and wrote down your address and name, and when the time was right passed it to your Children and then they pass it to theirs and so on. If everyone did this, what do you think that the likelyhood would be that somewhere along the line (perhaps 100's of years in future) has access to a time machine and can go back and deliver the lottery numbers to you before the event - perhaps by going back and posting to the address you write down.

You may think about doing this project today and the note could appear tomorrow!! Think about it.




  1. scary :|

  2. You need to think about it a little more carefully.  Since lottery numbers are public knowledge, it's all being recorded somewhere.  If someone could build a time machine in the future and use it to come back and win the lottery, they'd already be doing it - and we'd know.  The fact that we don't see any time travelers is a pretty good indication that time traveling will always be impossible.

  3. so imaginative! but u need to believe that a time machine is really going to be built and work! and i'm a little too skeptical, my dvr won't even work properly!

  4. I think the person who invents the time machine would make so much money from their invention that it would not be financially viable to waste time (sorry...) and.. er... money just to earn a couple of million...

  5. i think that by the time they invent time travel people will no longer have any need to use money as currency - they probably would have invented a replicator like in star trek so instead of buying things people would just copy them.

    also maybe when time travel is invented the world will end as people will travel around willy nilly changing the past and then the universe will collapse

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