
Think back to when you were at ?

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School did you sit at the front of the class or the back




  1. At or near the back.When i was at school our teacher used to throw the blackboard duster at any one disrupting the class,Easier to dodge it.

  2. Back - you can't misbehave at the front!!

    EDIT: Arwen and PG reminded me that I too spent more time outside...I told my tutor to F off once. They moved me to another class I did turn good in the end!

  3. At the back mostly. But a lot of our classes had the desks arranged in a big U shape around the room which was annoying lol.

  4. cool kids sit at theback :0


  5. I was always told by the teacher to sit at the front, can't think why.

  6. At the back to avoid answering questions .

  7. Where?

    Nope sorry, dont know what you are talking about

  8. In a corner all by myself far away from everyone else :(

  9. In the middle.

  10. in the middle so i could pass notes to back and front of the class :D

  11. At the back near the window.

    At the front u can't chew gum use your fone or do anything. at the back u can talk check ur text messages use the calculator and daydream at the window and u dnt hav s gum underneath the table

  12. I was always sent to the front for being too chatty

    some things never change eh

  13. I think i sat round about the middle.

    The swatters always sat in the front and the rebels at the back.

    I could never make my mind up which i wanted to be, so was an inbetweeny...things haven't changed much since

  14. I was always asked to sit near the front AS I REGARDED CONVERSATION AS ESSENTIAL TO ALL SUBJECTS.

    Sorry, hit cap locks by mistake..

    I loved school & had lots of fun as well as passing all my exams.

  15. Usually out in the corridor for being disruptive.

  16. In the middle somewhere, but I always wanted to be at the bk, that's where the craic was..  :)

  17. The middle

  18. Different seats in each class. If I were near the back, I messed about. If I were near the front I messed about a little more discreetly.

  19. back, still do at college

  20. back. eating carrots in french.

  21. Always the back, out the way.

  22. Front.

  23. My posse and I were always located at the back in a corner, writing notes and such.. I really wish I would have paid more attention however!  

  24. Always at the back, preferably by the window.

    I was a right dolly daydreamer!

  25. At the front always.

  26. At the front cause I was a chatterbox

  27. front and i used to play footsie with the teacher woo hoo ! lol x

  28. Well that depended on where we lived

    Seriously though I sat at the back scared of everyone!

  29. Usually outside on my own>i was disruptive.

  30. front due to misbehavior and due to the fact that my last name began with an "A" (alphabetical order always sucked)

  31. Didn't often get a choice when I was at school, you did what you were told, and that was the end of it.

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