
Think gas prices are high?

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Gas, where I live, is $10.86 a gallon ;)

Maybe that will make you feel better. :)




  1. You bring up a good point.  American's think they are under oppressive energy prices.  Reality is they are doing well under a free enterprise economy.  The cost of OIL/gasoline is not OPEC's, Exxon/Mobile etc. decision.  It is a free market, people are paying $100 ++/BBL because they think they can buy it for that and sell it for even higher value.  The long term marginal cost to produce oil varies from a couple of $/BBL in Saudi to dozen's of $/BBL for Canadian oil sands.  The uderlying premise is the cost required to sustain the respective countries GNP.  In Canada, oil is a small contributer to the GNP and oil can drop to $18-20/BBL.  In Saudi the country will not work with oil less than $35-40/BBL

    Reality is the free market will prevail.

  2. Absolutely!

  3. Yeah, is twice as much in Europe and MOST of the world as compared with the united states.

    We were just spoiled by insanely low gas for so long that its tough when it actually gets to the level most of the world pays.

  4. yes but a lot of that is tax money that helps support free health care, free college education, and the myriad of other benefits we here in the states don't get. If I get sick and can't afford insurance, I'm on my own. If I want higher education I'm on my own unless I want to borrow the money and pay it back with plenty of interest. it all equals out

  5. $10.86?? YOU'RE KIDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. In Australia it has gone OVER $7.00 a gallon this week and looks like going to $8.00 in 2 or 3 months

  7. While the price is ridiculous, you also need to look at the difference between your country (I'm presuming some European country) and America. In your country, you can probably drive from one end to the other in less than half a day. In America you are looking at a several day road trip. Just to get to work is between a 30 to 60 minute drive for most people. We are much more spread out here and it requires more driving and greater distances to get to where we need to go. Also, unlike MOST European countries, we have just about the worst mass transit system on the planet. It is completely ineffective, so we have to rely on cars to service our most basic needs for survival.

    EDIT: The average American makes about $24-35k per year, though a substantial amount of Americans make far less than that. Close to the level of income you get. On top of that, we generally have poor or no medical coverage and poor to no college tuition assistance. In our country, the poor are designed to stay poor and the wealthy are designed to stay wealthy. There are very few acceptions to this rule.

  8. good god   that cheap    we pay £1.30 ish a litre  about 13 bucks a gallon    all bloody tax

  9. THAT'S RIDICULOUS! where i live its 4.05 and everybody thinks that that price is extremely high. that sucks for the people where you live!

  10. I'm curious what the quality of your healthcare insurance is and also the quality of your college education? I ask because socialized programs like that are generally hugely inefficient. Everyones like OMG gas cost big $$ but in reality its not that the value of oil is rising (well it is a bit) but that the value of our money that we use to purchase it with has been devalued hugely recently by the Federal Reserve. Want proof? Check a graph of oil vs gold and a graph of oil vs dollars. And then watch this video if you have the time:

  11. 10.86 GET OUT!!!!

    You must live in Europe or Alaska then huh?

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