
Think i can do it ;)?

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I want to cycle in olympics 2012, i currently can go 19 mph on a standard mountain bike on a flat out road.... im 14 so tell me ive always dreamed of being a cycling, indoor, or even tour de france style. I have asthma. Do you think i can fufill my dream in 4 years i will work hard.




  1. Go out and race a little. See what it takes to keep up with the big dogs day after day. Achieving a single limited isolated goal is one thing, but to race at an elite level you've got to be almost freakish in your ability to perform, recover and do it again the next day. For starters, try a local charity ride and see how fast you can complete say 100K. That will give you an idea of where you are at. If you come away from that with the feeling that you can hammer, then find a coach and chase your dream....

    Best of luck.

    Tim Maddox

  2. hey, sure why not? I dont think there is anything stopping you to fulfill your dreams. The Thing u need are



    ~A lil bit of luck and

    ~ A heart for it

    and btw im 13 and on a Stationary bike i can go about 10-12 mhp, so yea sure u have a chance! GO for it and good luck. =D
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