
Think my wife would consider reconciliation?????

by  |  earlier

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My wife and I have been separated since December. Our relationship was not that bad no abuse or drugs anything like that. She just said she wasn't happy anymore. We have a 5 year old son and she has a 7 year old daughter that I've been with since she was 8mts. I think she has a boyfriend. She says no but that's what I think. We talk pretty much daily due to the kids. We get along good considering. My question is for the women. Will she ever change her mind and come back? I know people say why would you want a woman that cheated? Well I love her and always will Is there anything I can do beside sit and wait?




  1. "I'm not happy" also means "ITS YOUR FAULT I'M NOT AS HAPPY AS I THINK I SHOULD BE."

    If you are still fixing her messes she is not valuing what you do.

    Give her time to COMPLETELY manage her c**p and she will then understand what you are worth.

  2. honey only forgive the cheating if she wouldn't do it again... you should want better than that.. if you want her your need to try try try.. send flowers, candy love poems woo her as you did when you first met her.. if not, you'll make another woman happy who won't cheat on you

  3. Sorry! I am going through the same. My husband left a year ago and came back. He said he loved me but was unhappy because we can't get along. Two weeks ago, he left again. I want to reconcile because I love him so much. We never had any major issues, but the small ones became big. I waited 8 months for him to come back the first time. That was the hardest time of my life. Now I'm faced with doing that again. If you love her, try to work things out. You have to realize that you have no control over her. You can't make her come back unless she wants to. Give her some space for now. Let her have time to miss you.

  4. If you love her and she loves you,.. the two of you can work this out. Marriage is constant work and the rewards are worth the efforts.

    I was married for 33 years, he cheated.

  5. My advice would be, if you truly want to be with her, don't hold it over her head. Tell her what she did was wrong, and she knows this, but you are going to forgive and forget. And you should truly do that

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