
Think of a traffic sign that has not been created yet?

by  |  earlier

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Or safety sign, anything that you think that it's not been created yet. It should be legal and has a sense. Thanks :)




  1. You shall not pass. You CANNOT pass!!

  2. so you can take my idea? luckily im not in the traffic sign bidness...

    but i would say ive driven out to the country and absolutely hate it when i hit a gravel road without warning.

    hope this helps ya cuz gravel roads need to be put to thier demise

  3. TAILGATER's...see your doctor for Viagra.

  4. You are entering U.S. Rt.6 .The most dangerous road in the country-Please Drive Safely.

  5. NO eating food while driving

  6. restriced cell phone area or no cell phone zone

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