
Think of the most depressing/sad time in your life...?

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What caused it? What was it that made you the most depressed you've ever been in your life?

I'll reveal mine upon choosing the Best Answer.




  1. I think it was when my parent's put me in a rehab for the summer after they found out I had an eating disorder. Take it from sucks

  2.   I think I felt abandoned , but wasnt facing up to the feeling , rather trying to act emotionless .  

  3. high school. kind of an outsider, never really part of any group. never really had much of a purpose in mind mostly just making it though the day. my life is much the same.

  4. In 6th grade when my best friend and her younger sister were killed by their own father because of a nasty divorce.

    That is the saddest point in my life so far, I never got to say goodbye.

  5. I was sexually Abused when I was 6 years old by a 33 year old man. I believe that's what changed my sexuality. Up to this very day, I've never been happy with  my life.

  6. Neurochemical imbalances, mitigating life circumstances, inefficient coping techniques....the usual :p

    translation: Bit o'biological means, bit o'crappy life, and bit o'didn't know what the heck to do to help myself.

  7. I have never been depressed. At least not that i know of.  

  8. i was already suffering from clinical depression, then the girl i liked told me she liked me back, so it got better.  then she went to prom with her ex instead of me.  that made the sad feelings i had had before return with a fiery vengeance.  i cried for the first time in about 4 years.

  9. When I was younger. I was visually/emotionally abused from ever since I could remember to about 8, watching my father beat my mom. My mother was a tough chick, she would fight back, but men are naturally stronger then women. And he would just beat her for no reason. One time I remember being about 7 and packing my things, ready to leave. But they both caught me and took everything out my bag and forced me to stay. He was a coward, afraid she would go with someone else because shes a gorgeous woman, but really, he was the one cheating. He tore our family apart. My older sister and brother hate him, and my little brother grew up without a father. I just grew up being a really angry kid. I was mostly on my own, doing bad things. Back even up until about a year and a half ago I was so rebellious, security would constantly be called because I was always throwing desks and cursing at teachers. I wouldn't cry, just only when I would explode from being angry. I was in boxing two years ago and my mother couldn't afford it no more since she struggles so much, and when I asked my father, he didn't support me, so I had to drop out.

    Now? I can't say I'm 100% percent. But I'm a good 70%. I just sat down one day a couple of months ago and asked myself "Do you really want to be this way, the rest of your life? So angry? For something you didn't even do?" I FINALLY convinced myself it wasn't my fault, through effort and emotion. My outlets are sports, exercise, art and photography. My grandmother is the most smartest woman I have ever known, and she has made me cry a great deal talking about how she knew everything went on even though she would drop by here and there. What happened made me stronger and wiser, and I know NEVER to treat some one that way, in relationships, in general. I'm always helping some one. Next step-forgiveness.

    Otherwise, I'm really happy!


  10. My gransparents death....I was really close to my grandparents and the fact they are no longer here has me extremly depressed. the story.....

    My pap got throat cancer and he was pissed off about it because he walked everyday watched his diet ect...because him and my gram had bad hearts. The fall came around and he didn't want to socialize with anyone at all it really upset me I didn't know why I asked my mom she said I dunno finally she told me because she realized I felt something was wrong and I missed not visiting them. I was shocked time went by it's now thanksgiving (same yr just a month or 2 later). He didn't want anyone over we had thanksgiving at thier house every yr since I was a kid exept this yr. Since he started chemo therapy he had a hard time eating and he was self consious that everyone was going to be watching him even tho it wasn't true. We had thanksgiving at my aunt and uncle's that yr. Then the first week of december me and my sister went to visit he finally allowed ppl to visit very few ppl only imidiate family. we visited for awhile mainly with our gram since he had a hard time talking we then left and told them we loved them. December 16,2004 at 930 am I was awoken by my aunt storming into the house telling me to wake up that my pap killed my gram then shot himself and left the house. I jumped out of bed and ran down the street to my aunts house and met up with my great aunt and my mom and I seen my mom crying and I ran up to her and wrapped my arms around her and started crying with her. All she could keep saying is their gone I can't believe their gone we went down to my grandparents house were their were cop cars ambuliences forensics ppl and the news ppl. I was in so much anger when I seen the news van at their house I was screaming things at them and was trying to go after them but was held back. The reporters went and paid the neibors to get on their roof to try and get footage of my grandfather laying in the yard luckily my mom put a sheet over him when she found them. And yes this whole thing was on the news by noon we became the outcasts of the town that day. My mom was going to visit on her way home from work that nite before but something told her not to so she went home good thing because I probly would've lost my mom as well as my grandparents. I am a huge mam's boi so I'd be lost without my mom.

    It still hurts still to this day I remeber it as if it were yesterday.

    EDIT: I get a thumbs down why???

  11. When my father died. He was my father,my best friend and my mentor. He meant the world to me and it was 7 years ago and still miss him everyday and wish I could talk to him again just once more.

  12. recently had spinal fusion surgery couldnt bend down to pick things up and take a d**n sh*t too lol i felt so hopeless and im still suffering nerve damage which is causing more problems couldnt play basketball i thought i would never get better ever. i cried a lot and ive jus been really lonely and sad for no reason sometimes..

  13. The loss of someone dear, who I know will never be back in my life. Death one can cope with, but the knowledge that someone you love, but who will never love you back the same way you do, perhaps makes it all the more difficult to come to terms with.

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