
Think of this Acrostic while you can?

by  |  earlier

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A condition not unlike death

Leaving those in it's grasp, a shell

Zeroing in on our most precious memories.

Having it's way with personalities

Eager to erase the real us.

If only a cure could be found

Many could escape this second death.

Even retain a semblance of normalcy, perhaps even





  1. That really says it all.

    It is as if someone takes an eraser & does away with the memories of our lives, a little here, a little there, until we're just a shell, no past, no present, no future.

  2. very well put my friend

  3. hmm.. it looks like you have some talent on your hands... I enjoyed reading it.. it had a very powerful meaning.

    Thanks a lot for sharing it!

  4. "Hi!",

    You do great at these Acrostic poems. I've been trying, but can't get any where with them. Yours are the best I've seen on the Internet altogether. I saw your previous one too.

    I like how you put a lot of thought and knowledge into your acrostic poems and cover the topic really well.

    Well Done!  : )

    Cheers : )

  5. Great poem!!

  6. WOW!! This poem really captures the misery of this most terrible of diseases.

    "Eager to erase the real us" Powerful phrase!!

    It is MOST well done. Thanks for sharing it!

  7. AWW I love it. It should be on a medical pamplet for Alzheimer's.

    My friends mother had that. Someone had to watch her 24/7 because she would wander out into the street. Everything you say in the poem is true to what happens to someone with the disease.

  8. *snap* *snap*

    Truly the work of a poet!

  9. As a nurse I see this awful disease daily, and I have lost two wonderful aunts to this killer of mind and body.  I know that eventually a cure will be found, research is ongoing.

    My heart goes out to all who are affected .  

    Thanks for your excellent poem, and its message.

  10. They are working very hard to cure or prevent this terrible disease. You say it is a "condition not unlike death." In my opinion, it is worse, since someone always remains in there, but cannot communicate with the outside. At least, in death, there is hope for life afterwards.

  11. I fear that happening to me, that is why I am trying to create as many happy memories now, in case it is all I have later.

    Cheers and thanks for a wonderful effort Semper.

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