
Think some Christians and others really can't take it if you refuse their beliefs or conversion attempts?

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Think some Christians and others really can't take it if you refuse their beliefs or conversion attempts?




  1. I am Christian and I can take it if people don't believe the same thing as me...the only thing that pisses me off is when we aren't supposed to express our beliefs...It's freedom of religion not freedom from religion...I think it's silly how many people get offended by our beliefs.

  2. yep same as first answer

  3. I'm Christian. I don't really care. It's your choice. Worse if you didn't really believe but you said you did, than if you just simply say you didn't believe.

    Really, Christians can take it. The only reason why we try is because we care. Converting someone isn't required for our salvation. But we want to spread the word of then make your choice. I mean, in our beliefs, if you don't believe, then you won't go to heaven. Now wouldn't it be cool to see your friends in heaven? And to also save others from the depths?

    There's no "big reward" for conversion. So it's not like Christians do it out of greediness.

  4. I love God, I'm a Christian, and I don't get offended if you "refuse" my beliefs, lol. I'd pray for you, and hope you get to know God, but it's not like something that I would be angry about or anything.

    I have a lot of close friends who don't have the same beliefs that I do. g*y, straight, wiccan, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, you name it. So what does that say about your theory?

    I have an athiest friend who's head explodes at the mere mention of Christianity. She's WAY more intolerant than I am. Still love her though! She's still one of my best friends.

    I'm sure there are some Christians out there who just like any other group of people, don't like anyone to disagree with them. But that's not because they're Christian. That's because they're human.

    I think that the *majority* of Christians are a loving, kind, and accepting people. Get to know a few ... we're not as bad as Satan would have you believe.

  5. I'm Christian.. but I really don't care what you believe.  Some do, some don't... some will ... some won't

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