
Think that the Argentines?

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Think that the Argentines?




  1. Those Evil Minded, Money Hording, Egotistical S.O.B.

    But I Have All The Rights I Need To Think That, 'Cos I'm Uruguayan And They Have Picketed One Of Our Most Important Bridges.

  2. You lost me!

  3. I like their pronunciation of Spanish

  4. En primer lugar tu pregunta en ingles no significa nada. Deberia ser what do you think about the argentines, o do you think the argentines....algo? Besides, you don't have much to do don't you?

  5. Que?

  6. The answer will certainly be the definite article.

  7. Sorry! Not getting into any Argie bargie!

  8. Will beat the Home Nations at rugby this season ,? YES

  9. Well, at least it's not some nonsense saying "Lol we pwned u at the Falklands but we shud nuke da argies 4 Maradona wot a fat bstard lol" as I expected!

  10. think like the rest of us

  11. What was the question?

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