
Think the trillions spent in Iraq may have found an alternative green energy source?

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We actually have the technology, but the Military Industrial Complex, and Big Business have been shelving the alternatives for 6 decades or longer.




  1. They were going to until those u*ly mea*n americans made a war.

  2. think of the trillions we could have saved if we disbanded the military.... or NASA... or stopped giving help to needy nations or helped in Africa

    how many nuclear power plants would we have on-line if it wasn't for the democrats?

    how many Kurds did Saddam Hussein kill with gas???

    WAKE up and start living in the REAL WORLD.

  3. If only these people cared more about th reality of what fossil fuels are doing than the bottom line.... but that's the way it goes. I honestly feel powerless to influence their decisions. What really bothers me is that the majority (the public) have to sit around and wait for these pretentious jerks to find a way for green energy to benefit them financially before they move on what benefits us all in reality.

  4. No, one has nothing to do with the other.

  5. A principle of asking what might have been, is that anything one mentions as a possibility is possible if only things had been different.

    This philosophic game is best exemplified by an old Sufi expression that, had copper been left in the mine, eventually it would have transmuted to gold. Now we can never prove this false based on waiting to see if it happens. No matter how long we wait, if it is not gold, we must not have waited long enough.

    In reality, the number of dollars spent would not have mattered. We have had enough people in the USA not working on a solution that had they been working on it they might have by now found a solution. But this is just another example of the use of a false premise to produce a valid conclusion.

    Finding solutions does not have to be conditioned on government spending the money, and it appears that getting government involved may be counter productive. If you want a solution now, go arrange a major investment in NanoSolar. They could be solving the problem now, but for the fact they are selling all they can produce to Germany. If they built a factory 15 times as big, they could do it, right now.

    But if you wanted it to run your car, you might want to also invest in Hyper-car and EESU. These solutions are available right now. No need to evaluate what ifs from the past.

  6. yeah, well that's because gov't do have profits in war(when buying weapons, etc.) so the bottom line id money.

    in our country, we have been campaigning the renwable energy bill for more than a decade now, but it still in the slow process and now, after the oil prices and food prices are now uncontrollably high and rising they're now looking up at our proposed bill. what the?!

    you see it's the econmy and the gov't who clog in the way for sustainable future ask the communities of they want solar panel or wind energy well everyone would certainly agree it's how the implementing body do their part and so far, they're slow, they're even not doing anything.,

  7. yea it could have provided

    the switch ofthe nation to ethanol...

    and the prices might not have even rised

    if we hit iraq

  8. Of course, if we invested trillions in finding green energy sources, people would still complain.

  9. Nope, look at all the time and money spent on Cancer and we still haven't cured it.

    Not sure where you're getting your Iraq numbers from...but the Official Report to Congress in the URL#1 below lists the total cost of Iraq, Afganistan and other Global War on Terrorism to be $700Billion covering FY2001-FY2008.

    You may not support the Iraq War, but if Vietnam was adjusted for todays cost...what do you think that War would cost?  You have JFK to thank for getting us into that Civil War.

    US Deaths should be appalling, but Iraq has seen 4000+ over four years...Vietnam saw 47,378 US Dead over eleven years, with 14,594 killed in 1968 alone.  URL#2 below.

    I'm also curious as to your sources for the Green Technology which has been around for 6 decades?  Is this something we supposedly got from Roswell?

    Alternative Energy in general has been available for many decades in the form of Propane.  It was never adopted because there was no infra-structure to sell Propane around the country like we do at Gas Stations.  This is the same thing that will plaque Hydrogen Fuel Cells and other options.

    Probably the most Green Technology out there...when you consider what pollution is generated for the whole technology is Nuclear.  The pollution generated to produce components for Solar and Wind Technology is much's why some Environmental Groups are now backing Nuclear as a viable option.

    People are also confusing Renewable Energy with Green Energy.  Biofuels, especially corn-based, cause more pollution (including Greenhouse Gases) than Fossil Fuels.  There are several sources which cite the problems with Biofuels, but Time Magazine is a familiar source and you don't have to worry about some obscure site you've never heard of.  URL#3 is below.  It also costs us rainforests worldwide, artificially high food costs in the US and artificial food shortages worldwide...which we can see right now.

    h**l, if we stopped all the Entitlements such as Social Security, Medicare / Medicaid, Welfare and others...we would remove over 2/3 of the estimated $9.4Trillion National Budget for this year alone.  That's over $6Trillion available to research Alternative Green Energy.

    The scary part is that less than 1/3 of that estimated National Budget goes to the Military, Operating the actual Government, National Parks, the EPA, NASA, Homeland Security, FEMA and everything else. URL#4 below.

    The Entitlements will continue to grow, especially the Social Security debt...our Surplus has already been spent and is secured by Government IOUs.  Those IOUs will need to be repaid with interest by future about mortgaging our childrens future!

  10. Yes...definitely. Our nation could have used that money for something better.

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