
Think the universe could be so big that not only does...

by  |  earlier

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many intelligent life exist that are very different from us but somewhere there's even another planet that is almost exacly like earth with humans living on it? If so then how far away do you think it is? If I had a gues I'd say atleast 1 trillion gallaxies away from us. Also, do you think there's the slightest chance you will ever see them if you could live forever?




  1. if we could live forever, sure. by the time forever rolls around, im sure we would have discovered those trillions of galaxies.

  2. i can answer the latter part, we do live forever and you will see them.

  3. Dave, man you got to get out in the sun some more - you look a little pale.

    The odds of life on earth are so small that I believe it's just you and me kid.

    Best regards.


    you can get much information in this website,stay a minute in website and check anyone link at a time,you can aslo get your answer in Google Search in this website, which has helped me alot

  5. Maybe... : - even if aliens exist, which I don't quite believe, I doubt we'd see them.

  6. Um...distance has nothing to do with probability. They are just using a large universe to create a huge sample size.

    The planet you describe could be in the next solar system near us.

  7. Dave.. your on the right track  with  this...

    look into   Dr. Beegle   on  You tube..  might  be  Beagle

    THEY......   aliens  are  all over...  there are  at least 57 different  types  that  we know of  so far!!

    lets   open our  minds  abit!!

  8. This issue is beyond bounds of present human knowledge, even comprehension.

  9. how far? i dont know

    if i live for ever may be i get to see them. i hope b4 i die i get to see other life that would be  awesome.

  10. Probably some like us and not depending upon the environment, etc.

    How far? Who is to say!

    And if you lived forever, you would probably encounter them.

  11. Of course there are other life forms, perhaps like us humans, out there in the universe because as you mention, there are trillions of stars and galaxies. Who can put a limit on the number! It's very possible that planets similar to ours exist too and scientists are finding that out more and more. I think it's just a matter of time before they confirm these 'guesstimates' about life on other systems in the universe. Meanwhile it's anybody's guess just how far away another earth planet might be, one million galaxies away is as good as one trillion under these circumstances.

    One thing you need to understand is that your real centre of awareness, the real YOU, is a conscious centre that is timeless, it is your 'soul', and this soul inhabits the physical body for a while and then sets it aside and moves on to greater levels of existence and understanding. Here in our physical surroundings we know so little of the answers to life, our existence before and after our being here. So there's a lot of learning yet to be done before we become real spiritual beings.

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