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What do you think what comes after life, after you die? I hope some people come up with interesting theories about this, and if you think this question is interesting, don't forget to star it :)




  1. God sit's you down, and hands you a Beer, an old 8mm film starts up, it's your "Whole Life", as you sit there and squirm in your chair, you'd better have some GOOD answers for the chief !

  2. No one can give you an answer you could really sink your teeth into - unless you're willing to accept a ton of mystical mumbo jumbo on blind faith from about 1000 different religions.  The suicide terrorists think they have the answer and apparently are willing to stake their lives on it.  As for myself, I think we've all already experienced what is to come as we will all return to that place from which we were before we were conceived.  Do you remember what that was like?  No, neither do I.  Into nothingness I imagine.  And not a bad place to be as I recall.

  3. God says "the stupids who interpreted wrong all the books i have sent you go directly to h**l":)))

    and the intelligents who savoured life let's talk.

  4. after life comes an eternal life.

  5. i believe that when someone passes they physically are gone, but they live within take on the characteristics that you admire in other spiritually they are still with you...always...

    even if you have never met them...they are there within you...helping and guiding you...

  6. Well, if you want a funeral with an open casket they pump you full of chemicals and then they close the lid and put you in a very dark hole.  In there, you rot.  The rest of you will be incinerated or is in a plastic bag tied around your leg, this is bad, because is hard to rot in a bag and seep out.

    If you decide on cremation, well you are burnt, grinded to a powder and then, eventually, thrown back to the soil/land/earth and become dust.

    You can also consider the option of non chemical funeral, rest on the floor and then put to the ground in a nice wooden box, rot and then become part of the earth.

    So basically you go back to the earth, fertilize some tree if you are lucky and if you aren´t, pollute more.

  7. you seems to be interesting to get a star. not interested for some real answers.

  8. I lean towards the notion that what ever you may believe happens, is what will happen. But you also decide by your actions what will become of you in the next life. My strongest belief is in reincarnation. I will continue to be reborn in some form or other until I've paid all my karmic dues, discover "enlightenment", and finally break free from the cycle of rebirth. As a side note, I consider enlightenment a state of mind where as you are completely selfless and all desire is severed. I will decide what becomes of me after this life is shed. Let's hope it's a step in the right direction!

  9. Regardless of what these people will tell you,

    they don't know. I don't either.

  10. It looks like everyone has forgotten Gods promise to all of us when he died on the cross for us. Maybe this is whats wrong with the world today, we've forgotten?

      "Believe in me and, you will be saved" it's quite simple.

       I did die on the table, it took them several moments to bring me back. I didn't see any light at the end of any tunnel. I was comfortable and kind of angry after I thought about it, "now I have to do it all over again" I am not afraid.

       The experience helped me find my God.

  11. I don't really want to think about it..

  12. I believe that when you die, that's it - there is nothing else.

    Which means that I live my life to the full, and don't concern myself with having to do certain things in order to meet some criteria; I can be myself and not what others would want me to be.

    I live my life to a motto - treat others as you would be treated. You can't go wrong really!

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