
Think this winter's going to be bad?

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My Grandma always used to say nature sometimes predicts how the winter is going to be. I'm thinking this year we're going to have a cold winter in NW Ohio. We've got an ant problem in our apartment, not just our apartment either a few others have complaied about the ants in their apartments as well, the squirrels are out of control tearing everything apart to get food. We've had ants in our apartment before but nothing like this. the maintenance guy has sprayed for them several times when in all the past 4 yrs we've lived here he's only had to spray once a year. The Squirrels have been a nuisance before but this year it's crazy, almost everybody's bird feeder has been ripped to shreds by them. People by the parks are complaining about the deer eating everything in their flower and vegetable gardens. Locusts have started their noises the first week of July when they usually start around the 3-4 week of July. Kind of seems like the animals are getting ready for a long cold winter.




  1. That's pretty interesting to take an animals behavior and predicting the weather for it. But yeah. I think if not this winter then maybe in a couple of winters from now is going to be bad. We are in global warming after all.

  2. Interesting

    Please post a comment in the winter (if you remember)

    I'd love to find out.

    And, I added this to the 'watchlist'

  3. I do think this year, where I live, that it is going to be a cold and very snowy winter. One way I have of guaging it is by looking at the squirrels at my local park. The fatter they get for the winter, the colder and snowier the winter is. Also, where I live, the last time we had a summer this hot and rainy, we had a very cold winter. I remember that New  Year's Day only went up to two below zero, and in the winter season itself, we got over a hundred inches of snow.

    But it is true. Animals can sense what the upcoming seasons are going to be like, and that is how I guage the winters where I live by looking at the squirrels.

  4. its allways good to brace yourself because we had a terrible winter in ontario last year.

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