
Think we will ever get a president that cares about the people of this country???

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Think we will ever get a president that cares about the people of this country???




  1. Of course they care. Maybe not to the extent that you or I would think that they should. But they do. After all what good is being the all powerful, all knowing leader, of this great nation, without peons to lord over?

  2. Bob Barr.

    All Libertarians care.

  3. Yes, Obama, but dont you guys get it?  The U.S isnt the only country on the planet.  U.S is one of the world power, and with obama, countries out side of U.S would get no help.  He has no foreign experience

  4. the pres should uphold the constitution  

  5. If more people voted Ron Paul, yes.

  6. dosn't seem like it

  7. No. Because an everyman or everywoman doesn't run for president. By the time they get a chance to run for president they've become corrupted and are political pros. Palin seems pretty down to Earth, but then you lose out on experience at the same time.

    Obama doesn't give a c**p about anyone. Please. He's long gone to politics land.

  8. The citizen has been granted liberty and freedom by the Constitution. The citizen must be self-reliant and responsible for their own welfare.

    The president has been granted very limited powers and can not legally provide that level of welfare. To do so would force the President to become a tyrant.

    Follow the constitution and elect representatives that will allow you to provide for yourself.  

  9. Yes I do - I believe Barrack cares - I really do.

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