
Think you have duty to 'society'?

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Go live in Burma you fools.

No individual should be so stupid as to beleive that they owe anyone anything.

Free men have free choice - only a fools and insects believe there is an automatic duty to society or the state.




  1. how old are you,  for you  to think that way confuses me,are you resident in the UK?if so you have or should have had an education, did you pay for that?

    Have you ever been taken ill and treated by the doctor,?

    Have any of your family had the same experiences did they pay for that probably not.

    We in the UK that is, the normal, working people abide  and live by the society we chose to live in,that was, and is the free choice made by thousands of citizens here, we Can leave anytime  we wish that's a free choice also, I suggest you avail your self of that last choice.

  2. You can't have it both ways.

    If you choose to be a member of a society, you choose to follow rules conducive to the survival of that society.

    The other option is to leave that society and live somewhere else.

  3. You need to learn what duty is.

    'Duty' is something that you should do - even if it may not be something you want to do.

    'Duty' is having a sense of responsibility and maturity.

    'Duty' is giving something back to society in return for what you take from it.

  4. No sane person is stupid enough to believe he has no obligation to the State(  or his family or to an extent his next door neighbour) which gives  via taxes  (or tries) to ensure personal safety (police) security from external enemies (Armed forces) Education, Health Benefits even if not to the standard you think you should have. Ensures through fiscal policies that you can fed yourself. if you do not feel you owe the state or anyone anything perhaps you should try to live without any state aid  on subsistence farming. Actually all the other answers are so much better than mine

  5. that kind of thinking is ok while your young or while your fit....while you are able to find work. if your child is born strong and healthy and no one had disease or mental health problems. if your prepared to exept the task of shooting your mum and dad through the head as soon as they are too old to contribute "as you see it" to society. only short sightet idiots like you  believe that free men have free choice. freedom of mind and freedom of choice only comes to the very lucky few.

  6. Every one has a duty to society. So be it.

  7. Decode this lyrics " You raised me up"

    Look who drop off from the coconut tree rolling down the street and still look green?

    Are we not living human kind  with purpose of life in sharing ancd caring for one another.

    While at loss and stranded out there?

    Wonder who's been climbing up the coconut trees and still look green?

    Luke 9.55-56

    What do you think?

  8. Don't bore us with your cheap, worn-out vision of a dog-eat dog, Ayn Rand world.

    The problem with elitists like you is you assume you'll always be part of the elite you worship.

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