
Thinkcing about getting a tortoise?

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ok so im thinking about getting a tortoise i understand that they are expensive

before anyone says i need to do lots of research i am lol!

erm ok i live in england so could someone tell me whats the best tortoise for me eg the easiest to take care of and dosent grow to big?





  1. A russian horsfield would be a good one to start with.  Yes they are expensive but once you've got all the setup they are relatively cheap to keep. The only real expence is the replacing the lights. Spot lights are about £1.50-£2.49 and the uv lights are about £10.50, uv lights need to be replaced every 5-6 months whether thay have blown or not.

    I keep mine in a vivarium and never hibinate her. Some people say that a tortoise table is better than a vivarium but I've had mine about 10yrs and she laided eggs last year so I must be doing something right.

    You can also by seeds to grow your own greens and flowers for it. I get mine off Ebay.

  2. My personal recommendations would be Eastern Box Turtles, Three-toed Box Turtles, Greek (or Spur-thighed) Tortoises, and Hermann's Tortoises.

    Russians are a popular answer here, but I have seen too many people struggle with them after a few years.

    Try for great advice on all tortoises.

  3. I'm not sure what's available in your area, but Russian and Greek tortoises are both small species.  They are primarily graze on broad-leaf plants such as dandelions and plantains (the weed, not the banana).  

    If you are able to give your tortoise some natural sunlight outdoors during the warm months, and use a special UV light during the cold season, he will be much healthier.  You can use a wire dog crate to put him outside, allowing the weeds to come up through the bottom of the cage so he can graze.

    Make sure you don't treat the lawn with pesticides, as these will poison your turtle.

    Here is a pretty good site for you:

  4. I agree with doreen, and they are really stinky pets, lol. Get a bearded dragon or something :P

  5. order one now and you'll get it just in time to watch it hibernate

  6. Get a horsfield or a hermann tortoise. They're both a reasonable size. Source your tortoise from a genuine breeder, you can do this by joining the tortoise trust.

    Do not buy from an internet dealer! As the animals involved are wild caught imports full of parasites. There's also a lot of worry about chelonian herpes in such animals which will eventually kill any tortoise you buy. So please buy captive bred!

  7. Don't listen to Madkins007. Box turtles are hard to obtain here in Britain, and Hermann's tortoises are too much bother, with paperwork and quarantines. Horsefield's, Russian, Afghan, Steppes, it's the same animal, different name. They are expensive, (but what isn't), however, you do have to care for them closely, but they are cute, friendly and are a true companion. They are an animal that you don't have to fear about dying, (like mice and dogs, cats etc) as, chances are, they will probably outlive you, as they can live for up to 65- 70 years. Don't be persuaded to buy reptiles like bearded dragons, snakes or Anoles, you should stick to what you want, as in the long run, you'll still have that same tortoise when you go to get your penchant!

  8. if you are going to get a tort i would get a horsefield i have two and they are no trouble at all we have had ours for 4 years and keep them indoors in a tortoise table don't listen to anyone who says they are boring they are fascinating to watch we also have beardies and snakes but the torts are pretty low maintenance as long as the heat is right and they are fed properly my two will only eat dandelion leaves and tortoise pellets but i think it is just because they are spoilt. Also remember that these little fellas will probably live longer than you so just want to make sure it is what you really want and maybe instead of buying a new one look online for the British chellonia association or the tortoise trust as they try to re-home unwanted ones torts don't really get aggressive or snappy is they have been miss-treated like a dog so this may help more than buying from a breeder

  9. the best starter tortoise is the Russian also known as the horsefield, they are a hardy tortoise and the easiest to care for, they are also more suited to our British climate, here is a site so you can see the care involved  they also do not grow very big they grow to about 200mm but most are slightly smaller, they are also not covered by CITES so do not require any paperwork and much easier to get hold of than some of the endangered tortoises, best of luck with your search for a tortoise

  10. A tortoise is a pretty boring pet.

  11. Id go with a box turtle..they are pretty inexpensive and pretty easy to care for. They have great personalities too kinda like dogs! I would say a sulcatta but they eventually get HUGE!

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