
Thinkin' about Cross Country?

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Should i do cross country my freshman year?

my mile time is 7:18 on a treadmill.

Also, to train for C.C. is it ok if i sprint 400 meters like how we did in track, or should i run a lot longer distances since C.C. is primarily long distance?

Any tips will be greatly appreciated thanks.




  1. at my high school CC run 60-70 miles a week. Generally people that are on track aren't successful in CC because they dont have the same endurance

  2. Yes, you really should.  

    Your mile time on a treadmill means nothing, and it will always be much better on a track because you had no one to pace you and i'm assuming its a treadmill that is on an incline as to let you run at your own pace, letting gravity do all the work, instead of a treadmill where the speed is set...

    Anyways even if you were primarily do the 400m, you should do XC because it will increase your aerobic capacity (basically how well you breathe and absorb oxygen) a huge part of the last 100m of the 400m.  

    Also it may be the case that your body develops more slow twitch muscle than fast twitch muscle, and with some training you could become a great distance runner.  

    Even if not, one of our sprinters did pretty well in xc and when winter started, he wasn't much faster than everyone in the first 300m of the 400m, but could beat anyone by the last 100m, because when everyone else is feeling the burn, he is too, but not to the same degree, and his legs let him move faster.

    Even if not to do better in track, its so much fun and the team is more tight-knit.  But if you hate it, tell your coach you can't stand long distance running, and you'll see him/her in winter and/or spring.

  3. Running is amazing..Do it.  But know that it will take you to a whole other place than track and field.  Its endurance running...Plan on meeting God.

    God speed.

  4. Yes! you'll be in the best shape of your life.  I was signed up for football, then Soccer, then I changed to CC at the last minute and was very happy for all 4 yrs of high school.

    Run 400 or 800 sprints every now and then to improve your speed, but otherwise run 4 mi +. your coach will no doubt tell you this with more details.

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