
Thinkin about skinny girls!!?

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Ok I have a beatiful thick woman beside me but now i am having fantasies about having a skinny chick beside me grabing her by the waist, I want to pick her up an kiss her and just handle her real good , is this ok to think about when you have a girlfriend already who isn't skinny! I Love my girl but i am just to horny right now to think straight

But i am not a cheater or nothing of that sort




  1. there's nothing wrong with that, I guess...v_V It's only in your thoughts but don't ever tell her I guess.

    I guess bigger women have more to grab and feel up but skinnier women can be picked up like nothing and thrown on the bed and stuff...*shrugs* whatever makes you happy I guess.

  2. It's OK. You don't have to limit yourself to only finding one body type attractive - you're a human being.

  3. ask her to put down some weight..

    and ask her in a manner way..

    tell her she'll more beautiful if her lose some weight..

    (^^) good luck

  4. So what is your question here? Is it ok to fantasize? Sure its ok, your a guy and girls do it too... Just don't tell her that, that would hurt... (personal experience, I'm not skinny myself) And don't act on it either. Just remember how good you have it now!

  5. If fantasies are just fantasies...that's ok. I have chubby boy and I sometimes daydream about skinny guys. You always want what you don't have, if you got it you would probably want the opposite lol. Its good you are not a cheater ;)

  6. It's normal to have fantasies about other people when your with someone.'s inevitable.

    Now, if your losing COMPLETE physical attraction to your woman, you should think about it hard because you can't stay with someone your un-attracted to.

    That's good that your not a's so hard to find faithful guys..

    Good luck. :)

  7. There is nothing wrong with you. You are just a normal guy,(except for the part where you say that you are not a cheater, that's not normal.) As far as skinny chicks go, they rule. It's no wonder that the dieting industry makes a gazillion dollars in profits every year. Guys like skinny chicks and chicks know it. I'd say, make your girl loose weight, and if she doesn't, dump her fat *** to the curb and get a skinny one. There's no reason why you can't get a skinny one, there are tons of them out there. Your gf may just be comfortable knowing that she doesnt have to compete with skinny chicks, that's usually what happens when you marry them or you move in with them. They start gaining weight and dont give a rats *&ss about their apperance anymore. Then we loose interest in them. Then when we cheat on them and all h**l breaks loose right? well, it's their own fault. We normal guys, like skinny chicks, period. Good luck with your fatty and you know what my friend? life is too short to live frustrated with a fat chick. I know plenty of fat chicks who like me and would do me in a heartbeat but I have my standards. Don't get me wrong, Im not bragging that Im that hot or anything but chicks dont really care about looks, they care about self-confidence and charisma. Dont believe me? look around, how many ugly-looking dudes are going around with some fine-looking babes? plenty !! and you can too. Good luck and give my best regards to your gf.

  8. life is too short for a fat only live once brother.

  9. thinking  about a skinny  girl like me

  10. Because you are dating a larger female doesn't mean you can't be attracted to other body types as well.  Thoughts wander, as long as you are not acting on those thoughts, there is not a problem.  

    If you are acting on those thoughts and you love your current girlfriend, man up and tell her.  That will give her extra time to find another chubby chaser.  

  11. wat? k well if i understood that properly then

    you can fantasize about whatever you want, fantasizing about skinny girls when your girfriend isnt skinny is fine. just dont live out the fantasy and cheat or tell her you wish she were thinner.

  12. want a skinny girl not a fat your soo messed up for saying dat. you should love a girl in the inside and not kare if shes fat.

  13. if you want a hot chick then ask one out

    then dump the one you got

  14. O_o

    I would not recommend telling your girlfriend about that fantasy of yours.

    No matter how you say it, you're still going t get a beating.

  15. It's okay to fantasize as long as you don't really act on it and dont' actually cheat on your "thick woman"

  16. ya some times my boyfriend tells me about that but he never cheats

  17. Unless shes sexually open, keep that dirty little comment to yourself.

    I f she heared that she would either kick you, cry, or be extremely self concious about her weight.

    Its okay to think about it but if it gets HARDER to concentrate you know where the bathroom is...

  18. its nothing wrong with it just don't let your d**k take over and u do something that will mess your relationship

    and talk to your girl friend about joining the bally program or something

  19. It's okay I guess, as long as you don't act on these thoughts you are having.

  20. go have fun dog:)!! aint nothin wrong with that

  21. talk to her  about it..? or maybe just look at some p**n. who knows? do what you wanna do.

  22. I think it is normal for that to happen! Men go through stages. For example one week you are into her b*****s the next the butt the next the lips...ext....If you love her then there is nothing wrong with that as long as you are faithful!

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