
Thinking about Big Brothers Big Sisters for community experience and job resume?

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I'm thinking of joining Big Brothers Big Sisters next year. I figure it could be a good way to help a child in need, as well as get some more volunteer work for my resume. I'm a sophomore recreation and tourism major. One of my professors warned us yesterday that you need experience to get the best jobs in this field. And besides I'm on my college's track and field team and we're suppose to do community service every year. I usually help with yardwork/ community cleanup; this would be a nice change. I don't really having any experience working with kids, and since I'll more than likely working with all ages of people, I think this would be a good idea. Only I don't have any younger siblings or little cousins neices or nephews so I don't know a lot about kids.




  1. You will learn more from the kid than the kid from you.  You just lead by example:  Morals, values and ethics.  The kid will clue you in on which way to go on an issue.  Just remember, you are not there to play with the kid but to take the higher road, be the big brother/sister and relax and be REAL.  Kids know phony from a football field away.   Do not think about a resume when you are influencing a human life and don't make promises you cannot keep.  If you say you will do something you MUST do it.   Ask the kid what he/she thinks and you must have an opinion about a kid's behavior.  If it is bad, it is bad and say so.  And likewise.  Kids do not respect adults who cannot make decisions or who try to get down with the kid to be "cool."  If you are going to take on a kid it is for life - you don't drop the kid after six months or a year.  You will probably be best man/woman at his/her wedding.  So pick a kid you plan to be with for the long haul.

  2. What a wonderfull idea. You are one special person. Good Luck.

  3. Absolutely...go for it. While you volunteer, the fulfillment and growth you experience for yourself is ten fold what you give. Don't worry about being a perfect match, just being around and being a positive force in his/her life makes a huge difference. This would be a great addition to your resume as well.

  4. Being a Big Brother is a BIG commitment. It's not volunteering you do when you have time; you must set a regular schedule to devote to this program. Please do NOT do it because it will look good on your resume. Do it because you really want to make this hefty commitment to make a difference in a child's life.

    I'm not saying don't do it -- I'm saying that you need to think about your motivations and your schedule. Can you really do this? And have you thought about what you will do with your little brother, in terms of activities?

    Have a look at this web page, for more information about what is needed in Big Brothers Big Sisters candidates


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