
Thinking about Early Childhood education?

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I'm currently studying history. My plan was to get my BA then apply to education and become a history teacher. But I'm finding myself in a rut like this path is getting me nowhere.

I'm considering changing to Early Childhood education. My mom complains that I won't make any money at it, but I just want a career that I will feel content in. I have a love of history, books, art, music, theatre, animals, and nature and I want to share this passion with others. I'm also looking into courses that would qualify me to work with disabled children.

Thoughts? advice? I would really like to hear from other Early Childhood educators.




  1. Thinking about Early Childhood education is intresting

  2. I will say that your mom is right, you won't make much money.  But if you really enjoy what you are doing money doesn't really matter.  I have been in this field for about 11 years and I love every minute of it.  Seeing the children light up at the littlest things is amazing.  

    If you are interested in art and theater and sharing those skills I would suggest that you go into an elementary education.  Early childhood mostly is geared towards children under the age of 8, but elementary ed. will go up to age 12 and I think that your interest may be suited for an older group of children.  

    I hope that this helps.

  3. No you won't make a whole lot of money but you won't be poor either.

    In NYC teachers make between 35 and 50,000 per year depending on their qualifications, their experience, if they're in a public/private school, if they take on additional duties in school or work during the summer. some have 2nd jobs.

    You will not need a BA in education but it does help. masters level doesn't give you the practical experience and info you'll need. trust me on this one.

    AI think it is excellent you are choosing to go into ECE, I am about to graduate in May with an M.A. in EC/Special Ed and I am getting more and more excited.

    The best way to see if you are really cut out for the heartbreak and frustration is to spend time in a prek-3rd grade class and see what the teachers do and ask lots of questions.  Read everything about NCLB and NAEYC.  In addition to graduating with a degree and doing time as a student teacher, you will have to get fingerprinted, take the LAST, ATS-W or Praxis and the CSTs to get provisionally certified and then after a certain number of years of teaching and continuing ed credits you can get professional cert. There is also national cert after 3 years I think. no more permanent cert which is good. College/university programs run from 2-4 years and yes you will eventually need your masters. i don't recommend working while in school. you will need time for your student teaching placements, not to mention classes.

    Good luck to you and contact me anytime you have any more questions!

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