
Thinking about adopting one...?

by  |  earlier

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What kind of baby should I get? Do they act differently based on their color or eye shape? How often should I feed it?

Tips would be great!

<3, Guy




  1. please go somewhere else.

  2. If you don&#039;t know the answers to these questions then you shouldn&#039;t be adopting at all.  Now, turn off your computer and get a life!

  3. do your dirty work in another category!

  4. Get a life you freak!

  5. The people in this category will not tolerate these types of questions.  We are a serious supportive group for the adoption triad and I&#039;m glad to see the others who have posted before me saying the same thing.  

    Adoption is a beautiful thing and I, for one, will NOT allow you to make a joke of it.

  6. I would decide if you want a boy or a girl, then go to parenting classes for a year because it sounds like you don&#039;t know much about what to do. Maybe have your mom stay with you the first month you have the child

  7. If you choose to adopt, you need to instill pride in your child about their race and heritage. Based on your question, I&#039;m not sure if you are ready/able to do that.

  8. Duude :S

    No offence but I think u should start learnin more about kids before u adopt one...

    The child wants to be adopted to live in a better place not to live with somone who has no idea how to raise one ... Please I am not offending u... I am advising u

  9. You want to adopt a baby?? Okay. Well Babies dont act differently according to race, but they do act differently according to gender and the way their parent(s) brought them up. Since your a guy maybe you would be able to bond better with a little boy, unless you&#039;re homosexual then maybe go for a girl. And you can feed the baby the normal 3 times a day or more, like whenever he/she gets hungry i guess. Be careful and make sure you read up on babies to see what you&#039;re going to be in for. It&#039;s a lifetime commitment, having a child.

  10. are you serious

  11. AHHHHHHHHHHHH--befoer you- &quot;try &quot; to adopt--you had better learn--about &quot; children &quot;--you are not picking out a puppy!  NO-- they do NOT act differently--based on --anything!! Go and get a big--book--ON BABIES AND HOW TO CARE FOR THEM AND ALSO A BOOK ON &quot;WHAT IT MEANS TO BE A PARENT &quot;! i AM SOORY--BUT YOU DO not SOUND  &quot; LIKE PARENT MATERIAL &quot; bETTER THINK TWICE ABOUT THIS--OK--NO--AFFENENCE--OK.

  12. Gosh how can you be a parent without any parental instinct that you have to choose around.Instead just fell in love with the child the moment you met him or her. You should join a adoption study group and read up about a baby&#039;s need. From the questions you ask, sounds like you want a pet instead of a child. Reconsider your intention before you adopt

  13. Adoption is not a joke,don&#039;t you have something better to do.You are a pitiful excuse for a human being.

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