
Thinking about becoming a vegetarian?

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No before you give me stupid answers about how plants are living things, I would like you to know that I'm thinking about this for health benefits. Only I have a few problems, my dad is the only one whom is a vegetarian and no one else in my family is. I also hate tofu but I love chicken. Should I just wait and try it another time or is there a way I can give up my love for chicken and eat more vegetables?




  1. First of all, plants are living things but lack a central nervous system and are therefore incapable of suffering.

    Secondly, you don't have to give up your love for chicken. There are chicken replacements, such as veggie "chicken" nuggets that taste like chicken, but obviously aren't.

    For more meat replacements go to:

    There are also many delicious veggies, such as celery that is dipped in peanut butter & carrots dipped in hummus or cottage cheese. Yum yum yum! :D

  2. Chicken is healthy, as long as you stay away from deep fried, processed  and don't eat the skin on it.  I don't eat much of anything but chicken and fish when it comes to meat.  I tried to become a vegetarian, then I started having health problems because I wasn't supplementing my diet with vegetable protein and iron that is necessary. That is the mistake many vegetarians make.  My sister is anemic because she is a "challenged"vegetarian and only eats processed foods, white bread and frozen veggie meals.

    We are omnivorous creatures, our bodies and teeth are designed that way.

  3. I think it's actually healthier to incorporate some meat into your diet.  You get all the required nutrients with a balanced diet including meat, such as B vitamins.

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