
Thinking about breast feeding, how does it make you feel?

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I had my first child when I was 21 years old. I did not want to breast feed, but I did try due to all the pressure. It did not work out.

Now, at 29 and pregnant, I still do not want to breast feed. I just have no desire to at all.

I thought I was just immature or something at 21 by having no desire to breast feed, thinking is is just....yucky. But I feel the same way now.

I know it is natural, good for the baby, bonding, etc.... I don't know why I feel this way.

Does anyone else feel this way?




  1. I can't wait to breastfeed.  I really really hope that I am able to.

    Some women just don't want to.  You're not abnormal or anything!  It's just how you feel.

    With your first, you were pressured into it so that certainly did not help your feelings towards it!  With this one, if you want to try it, then great!  If you don't, then that's ok too.


  2. im totally with you im 22 36 weeks pregnant and just cannot bear the thought of breastfeeding i have however decided to give breast milk by pumping because regardless i know that my milk really is more healthy for him and  i will put my ickys asside and just at least do that best of luck

  3. I'm not sure why you feel this way either. But if you don't want to breastfeed then don't breastfeed. It's really up to you. Don't let anyone tell you that you HAVE to breastfeed. Just make sure that you whoever delivers your baby knows this so they have some formula ready for you when the baby is born(which I think they do anyways).  

  4. im 19 years old  , and i want to try breast feeding ,

    the thought of it makes me shake a little too.... especially since im having a baby girl , but i know the outcome will be very goood once you get used to it , and if not well breast pumps make it easier.

  5. I'm 18 and 35 weeks pregnant, i felt this way when i first found out i was pregnant. Now i feel the complete oppisit, i think breastfeeding will be an expiernce i will never forget, and also a bond with my baby that cannot be broken. The health benifts great, and what really made me change my thinking. I have dreams now that i'm breastfeeding my baby, and i love the feeling i get when i dream about it, i just feel an onconditional love. But it isn't for everyone, and don't pressured or even bad if you think this isn't for you. I personaly don't judge people that don't breastfeed, i just know it's something that i want to do. Your baby will still be happy ans healthy either way. Good luck  

  6. I was the same as you...with my first I really didn't want to, but tried and it didn't work out.  With my second, still wasn't crazy about the idea but still tried because my husband wanted me to, and I ended up exclusively breastfeeding him for 5 1/2 months, as well as pumping enough to last him until 6 months old.  I really did enjoy it and it's so much easier, cheaper and healthier.  Maybe just try it again, if you don't like it it's easy enough to switch to formula.

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