
Thinking about buying three Khaki Campbell

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Just wondering can all three come from one mother and father or does the male have to be sourced separately and also while on the Khaki Campbell subject how tall are they in centimetres???




  1. If you are planning on breeding then it is best to have the boy from one set of parents and the girls from from another set. they get about 30-50 cm high, sometimes bigger, sometimes smaller

  2. Ahhh another DUCK lover


    I just love ducks.  I used to keep Khaki Campbells and peking ducks while I was growing up.  I'd like to get more, especially pekings.

    We used to purchase our ducks from one mother an father.  Later on when they bred, their offspring would breed too.  

    Ducks are just ducks.  If you were getting a dog, that might be different.

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