
Thinking about committing suicide?

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Im 37, broke, no job, cant find a job, I have very few friends, no wife, no kids, and my family lives far away..I can honestly say I have nothing to look forward to each day, Im depressed, and thoughts of suicide run though my head daily. If I see on TV someone has died, sometimes I think why cant that be me. My life if a failure, I have accomplished nothing, and if I was to go, Im convinced this world would not miss me. There seems to be one stong thing that keeps me from doing it, I worry that I might go strait to h**l for taking my own life. I have even planned on how I would go,,drinking poison. I havent done anything yet, but the thoughts keep lingering in mind, I dont know what to do,please help. Rob




  1. Hi Rob:)

    I just wanna say that you need some love right now so you should go to your family and stay with them for a few weeks because they are your family and they'll care for you no matter what. And maybe if you ask them, they will help you find a job because im guessing that no parent would want their son (no matter what the age is...)  to be depressed and broke and stuff...

    thats my advice to you and hopefully you wont try to attempt this because it is a big risk for you to take ...and looking at the bigger picture you would be giving up your life and trust me your family would   miss you and be VERY VERY sad

    i know that you arent going to make a bad decision and try your best to put your life in order:)

  2. I'd say do a crime and go to jail for a while, then get back on your feet. They can usually help you there

  3. Hey at least you have access to a computer.

    Think of the children in Africa!

    Go on a reality show or a talk show!

    Maybe you can win something or meet some awesome people.

    Pick up an instrument or something and become a street performer.

    Streak in the middle of national football games.

    Become a manwhore.

    Become a YouTube phenomenon.

    But seriously, don't kill yourself.

  4. The only thing I can give you is insight from someone who has been where you are:

    I'm sorry that you feel the way you do.  I wanted to tell you that I can identify with what you are going through.  Not to knock what anybody else has said but some people don't have a family to love and support them.  I certainly don't.  I was where you are a few years ago.  I would go to bed praying I didn't wake up and wake up a little disappointed because I did in fact wake up.  What helped me was deciding one morning that I could either stay as I was waiting to die, exsisting,  or I could try for the first time in my life to live.  I had to hit the absolute lowest low to do this though because I was a close as I ever was to killing myself.  I couldn't do it anymore I had to make a different choice -- live or die.

    I decided that I had too little self esteem to actually try to kill myself.  I thought I couldn't do anything right and I would find some way to s***w it up so I decided that I had to chose to live.   My family is screwed up so I didn't have anyone to lean on and my self esteem was so low that I didn't have any friends because I felt that nobody could like me because I HATED myself.  I decided to do something that would make me feel good about myself - volunteer.  It gave me something to focus on besides how screwed up and out of control my life felt.  

    I also went to counseling.  (The do have places that charge on a sliding scale if you don't have insurance or a lot of money.)  I won't lie and say it was a magic cure because it wasn't.  I had to face a life time of things that I ran from and it got worse before it got better.  There were times that I wanted to give up and give in the that dark bottomless, hopeless pull that I felt my entire life and at times I did give in to those feelings but I never gave up.  

    One day ( a few years down the road from when I made my decision) I was laying awake thinking and I had a light bulb moment where I realized my life is good (I'm not kidding when I say light bulb moment.  It was literally like a jolt).  No I still didn't have a family, a marriage, or kids, but I had a great job and good friends.    Do I have my moments when I think about that family that I don't have that I have longed for my entire life - YES!  I also have those old I'm a complete waste of space thoughts at times, HOWEVER, I have learned to stop that train of thought and focus on what I do have.  

    I understand that it is very hard for you to see any good right now, but you have to make a choice.  Choose to live, choose to continue to exsist, or you can choose to die.  It would be so much easier if someone could choose for you, I know, but it has to be your choice.  

    For me it was a combination I chose to live but when it got to hard I took a break and chose to exsist.  Every setback felt like square one for a long time but eventually I could see my bottom get higher and higher.  My bottom was and is no longer fixating on all of the horrible most painful ways to die.    

    I don't know if this will help you at all but I hope it does.

  5. I dont't know where you live but in the UK we have something called CAB which is sort of like a jobs centre but they will help you with other stuff too.Practical things like jobs, money etc. I have no idea what the benefits system is like in the US (if thats where you are) but you should be able to get something to help you get back on your feet.

    Honestly please don't kill yourself, i am not very religious and won't comment on that part but why waste your life?

    You know you are depressed, you have said that in your question, try to get some counselling to help you understand why that is.

    And money is not important, don't think i am some rich person just saying that, i am not!

    There would be people who missed you if you left, don't think there wouldnt be. Your family for starters, your friends, everyone who has read this page, if they knew if you were to do what you said they would all feel a sense of loss. I would anyhow.

    You say you have very few friends but the fact that you have ANY proves you are a person worth caring about and cherishing. You may not feel they are "good" friends but maybe that is because you are in so much pain you are holding them away? Do they know how you are feeling?

    Think about death. Is it really death that you want? Or just a way out of a situation you've found yourself in and unable to cope with it and trying to find some way-ANYway- out of?

    You CAN make you life feel like it is worth living. Honestly.

    Talk to people, maybe take a trip up to see your family?

    Think about perhaps moving to be closer to them.

    Start some hobbies you ENJOY to help you meet new friends.

    Go to a jobcentre and let them put your details on their records so they can help you find a job. It may not be the perfect job but it will give you some sense of purpose until you are able to look for one you REALLY want.

    Try counselling.

    People DO care, sometimes you just need to look for them first. I hope you find them.

    Email me if u want, not sure what i can say but i will listen =)

  6. I've dangled at the end of my rope (sans noose), too.  

    With all the end of living, pointlessness of life that you have spinning, try something before you cash it in.  Contact your county mental health department, get an appt, and take some antidepressants for a while.  The only reason that you would beg off on this is pride.  If you off yourself, pride means nothing.  So, it's rather dumb for it to be an issue in trying an alternative first.  Makes sense?

    PS - your family would care and so would other people who have known you, not to mention the lives you would touch if you get back to a good place

  7. For one don't commit suicide and at least try to rise up again. I mean you can't not get a job, if you try hard enough you will get one. Also look to Jesus Christ for guidance and realize that the ones who struggle in life and yet look to God inherit the largest rewards for remaining loyal even through the toughest of times. We all love you brother and hope the for the best!

  8. Love them when i'm off, hate them while i'm on.....

    But i always go back for more... Lol

    Look at the disabled, the underdogs, the little people & what they've accomplished in their lives. Why do you crave society’s perception of happiness? You think all that c r aps gonna fill a hole in your life? Kids?! They’ll make you take your life for sure. Women? Pain in the ***

    Jesus, you make me sick pal, develop a little self respect. Be grateful for what you have. Appreciate that these moments make the happier times better

  9. Suicide is never the answer. I know that a lot of things in life go wrong, but with every day there is still hope. I would advise seeking some sort of counseling. Continue looking for a job. Talk to your friends and family about your feelings. Remember, there is nothing to be ashamed of. A lot of people go through issues. The important thing is to never give up on yourself and to always let people know when you have these feelings. Keep your chin up. Tomorrow may be brighter.

  10. Hey Rob,

    Been there, let me tell you. Things can only get better for you. You need to seek help for depression or/and anxiety. Believe me, knowing that you are thinking of this is affecting me. I will be wondering and hoping that you are ok. And I believe that your family, even though they are far away, will deeply be saddened. Your life has a purpose, it has affected mine already. Hang on ok?

  11. Simple answer: don't.

    Call a hotline NOW. Or call a mental health facility. They always have emergency calls, and they can honestly make you better.

    I've dealt with thoughts of suicide before,

    and I still think I'm a failure.

    But I've been helped thoroughly, and I'm glad!

    Even though you're thirty-seven, you probably still have more years in your life. Don't die thinking you're a failure. Die knowing you're accomplished. And you can be. Seriously, just call a hotline or a mental health facility. Go to the phonebook or go to

    Don't let yourself die now.

    Just don't.

    You can make it. Just have faith in yourself.

    < 3

  12. I totally understand what you are  going through. For so long I wake up each day crying, and sometimes not wanting to wake up.  It seems as though life gets worse and worse.

      I would never take my life, because I am scared to go to h**l for one thing :o) also because it's up to God, not me when I die.  

       You may think that nobody would care if you did die, but I think deep down you know that's not true, even if your family does live far away.  Plus I care about you, I responded to your question, as many others did too!

        I am feeling a little better about life, but it's a day to day struggle. I went to a doctor and talked to him about it, and people I could trust too.  

       Maybe you could talk to a doctor too? Do you have any pets? I have 3 dogs and they bring a lot of joy to my life.  Also, don't worry about the jobs and friends, they will come in time. Life is hard, but just  keep living and you will be just fine.  

  13. Don't commit suicide. People do feel down at times but it doesn't mean that life will always stay this way. Things will get better. I promise.

  14. I been thinking about that my self just look at my profile  and see My questions.

    I am 28 years old and my life has been full of misery more and more each year. The only thing that gave me happiness was that i found the man of my dreams who´m i have to let go if I don't want to infect him with herpes , its just to shameful to even talk about, i´d never got to make  love to him  and never will. i´ll never live the life we dreamed together. i rather die before i hurt him.

    I will break up with him and kill my self later.

    all i think about is the best way to do it.

    should i cut my throat or my wrist? how about my thigh ? should i do it in a japanese sort of way? how about rat poison ? how fast is it?

    i am like you, i have no good reason to live, but at least you don't have a contagious incurable decease that will cause disgust to everyone

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