
Thinking about geting seahorses?

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i work with saltwater fish all day so ive grown attached to having my little baby sea horses. ive pretty much raised them for a couple of months. i want a little biocube like the one they have been in, and so i can take it college with me. but i cant afford to shell out the whole 250 for the tank, 100 for sand and rock, and 90 for my little babys (3 of them). so ive been checking craigslist for a few days, and other cassifieds. so if anyone can help me i would greatly appreciate it.


bryce from fort worth texas




  1. I don't know what kind of sea horses you are talking about,  but dwarf sea horses can be found a lot cheaper on-line and you don't have to have a Biocube to keep them.  I have 6 and I keep them in a one gallon tank I got from wal-mart for $10.00...  and they are doing better than they were in the Nano Cube I got for them. The only thing is they will only eat live food and you have to hatch baby brine shrimp constantly to feed them.  I have no live rock in their tank and only fake plants and gravel.  This may be a less expensive alternative for you but you still have the cost of salt for the water, pH booster, and testing kits to consider.  I got my seahorses from and I love them.

    Seahorse farms also has:One Gallon Crystal clear acrylic tank 10"H X 9"W (triangular irregular shape) with light, filter, air pump, sea -mix, reef sand, up to 4 months food supply, One pair (2) seahorses plus: one pipefish, 1 small hermit, 1 snail, 2 live plants (included sea lettuce sm.) hitching post and simple instructions. (Excellent starter kit for beginners) Tank & Accessories shipped first at no extra charge, live fish: 1 - 2 weeks later. Set up in 30 Min.     Complete Kit: $69.95

    here is their link :

  2. I have to disagree here with the previous poster.  a 1 gallon salt tank is not only ill advisable, but way to small even for 3 small sea horses.  You don't need a bio cube, since you will be in school, and limited on space, If you know where you are going and the amount of room you can utilize, try going for a walmart 10 gallon.  With filter, thermometer etc is only $22-@29 bucks.  Most reputable fish stores will sell live sand/ or dolomite / crushed coral in small bags for small tanks.  Sand you only want 2" or less no more.  You don't need a skimmer on a 10 gallon so the filter that comes with the tank will be fine.  I would remove the carbon and just run filter media.

    You also don't need live rock and sand, you can use one or the other or NEITHER (there was no such thing when I started my first tank), but live plants or softer artifical will also work.  A test kit is also important.  I have a sister that lives outside of Fort worth but I am not going to visit till fall or I would gladly give you one of my many tanks I have in storage.

    Since you work for the store, perhaps they will allow a lay a way plan for you so the 90 bucks won't be such a hit.

    All total you should be looking at well under 200 with your little horses.

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