
Thinking about getting an IUD, but which is better?

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I already have 2 kids. I am married. I am 25 years old. I'm worried about which IUD I should get. I'm tired of the pill. It gives me almost no s*x drive. (I've been on several different kinds.) I like the idea of the copper IUD because 10 years sounds like a good amount of time. But some of the side effects others talk about are scary (heavy bleeding and really bad cramps). But I'm also scared that if I use the Mirena that I will not have a s*x drive for 5 years. Please tell me which one you used and what side effects you have had. Thanks.




  1. can you get the contraceptive implant? implanon i think its called it lasts for 2-3 years i myself had it fitted and have had no side affects and the bonus for me is it stopped my period thats probably the only consequence of it its the next best thing to being sterilised without making it so final.

  2. I had an IUD for five years - worked well.  You will get cramps after it is put in, and hurts like h**l to take out.  Just my own opinion.

  3. I had the paraguard (the copper one), with either IUD you can have heavy bleeding and cramps, but I didn't have any problems  with mine. I had to have the non-hormonal one due to a medical condition.  

    Have you always tried the combo (progesterone and estrogen) or various types?  If just combo then I would suggest also looking into Depo-provera (it is progesterone only)

    The other option you have is to have your tubes tied but not burned, that way if you decide to have more kids they can reverse it.  If they are cut and burned it is unlikely a reversal would work, but if they are just tied the odds are very good.

  4. my friend got a iud,fell pregnant,and now has a higher chance of miscarriage,she also bled alot on it!

    i really wouldnt reccomend it after reading about it,im 17 and have just got the contraceptive implant(a small rod placed in your arm) about the size of a hair grip,it lasts 3 years and rarely get a period on it"!

    iv not had a period so far!

    i really reccomend this,as you get less side effects because it only contains one hormone,and it is as effective as sterilisation against pregnancy ,and your fertility returns shortly after getting it removed!

    im so glad iv got this,no pill taking everyday and babyfree for 3 years lol

    ps you can also get it removed whenever youd like,so why not give it a try!

    goodluck hunnyx

  5. The last time I got an IUD, I almost lost my driver's license.

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