
Thinking about getting one of those "kits" that converts a car to use gas and HHO (hyrdogen) gas... comments?

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Anyone else done this and been successful? Apparently, all you need to do is pour water and baking soda into this mason jar looking thing, and hook it up right. Seems very simple, lots of people doing it on you tube, has anyone done this yet for themselves and does it really work?




  1. It's a total scam. The only thing it can do is lower your mileage, and put you at risk of an explosion.

    Really, it is a scam, can't possibly work as it violates some basic laws of physics.

    You will get plenty of people who will tell you it works great for them, but they are either shills for the company that makes the kits, or deluded.

    Just think, if you could generate electric power from nothing, every auto manufacturer would be knocking on your door. Even more, we could shut down every coal, oil, nuclear, wind, solar power plant and use this method. But, sad to say, you can never get something from nothing, so we will have to stick with our fossil fuels and hope nuclear/solar/wind power comes on line in time.

  2. I am with a new-energy research group and HHO (a.k.a Hydrogen on Demand) is currently the focal point of our research. We have put various generators (ones we've built and ones we've bought elsewhere on ebay) on several test vehicles and the results are usually a 27% or more increase in MPG.

    I've tripled my mileage on my Mazda engine since I've been using the latest generator I have on.

    You're welcome to look at our generators and if you want to build your own, the plans from us are free.

    If you have the time and patience, I do recommend building your own. You can best experiment and modify it to your needs that way. We also have an FAQ's page and a Tips and Hints page to help you along your way.

    Our myspace:

    And by the way, baking soda may work great at producing HHO for a short while - but in the long run, it isn't worth it. Baking soda corrodes even the highest grade stainless steel electrodes and is really a high maintenance choice. Consider Sodium Hydroxide. It's caustic (don't get it on you), but in such small amounts needed, it really isn't so bad. It is relatively harmless to the electrodes and is used in much less amounts than baking soda.

  3. Why people who claim it's a SCAM - never show you any evidence ???  (except it's violates laws of physics)

    I also thought it's a scam after reading on until last month I was on the business trip to CA(Los Angeles) and stop by there all water for gas entrepreneurs get together. What I saw is blow my mind.

    So many people already installed this and saving money as we speak. Some people installed this on brand new cars!!!

    May be not all systems are the same, but so many people I've seen with this system - can't be wrong.

    I finally find a guy who installed on my car, but my savings not much (about 15-20%) yet, because I installed simple 1 canister device without any electronics. But I'm working on the next step... good luck

    BTW... who posted "there is no scientific evidence...SCAM..." - watch video on FAQ page how Japanese company just created real 100% water car !!!

    Also watch a video interview of VP of Hydrogen Hybrid Technologies Inc. - they already do business worldwide.

    And this is not a spam, it's from Reuters News.

  4. I seriously doubt it's sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), as this tends to kick off carbon dioxide as excess gas rather than oxygen or hydrogen.

    It all seems groovy untill you get your first electricity bill and realise you have spent more on elecricity than you have saved on petrol.

  5. It *is* a scam, and a much bigger scam than most people realize.

    The only way these systems provide any fuel-saving is by tricking your car's engine-management computer into making the engine run far leaner than it was designed to.

    When this happens, the NOx levels go through the roof and you run the risk of burning your exhaust valves (big$$ to fix) or producing even more significant engine damage.

    Check out the nature of the scam and find out why this HHO stuff can never work by visiting the links below.

    Don't get scammed, don't risk your car's engine.

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