
Thinking about going to Florence in October - can you give me some tips?

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I'm in desperate need of a short holiday and am thinking about heading to Florence, Italy next month. Can anyone else that has been there give me some tips on what to expect?

How far is the city centre from the airport, would you say that it's better to take a taxi, or go on the train to my accommodation (car isn't an option for me)? I'm a little worried about the language barrier, so if I decide to take the train, would there be english speakers able to direct me if I get lost or bewildered? What is there to do in Florence in October? I'll be on a budget, so is there much cheap shopping/eating in the city? Also, is there much begging?

Any advice would be appreciated!




  1. There's a shuttle bus to and from the airport that takes you in to Florence for 4.50 euro. The bus runs every 30 minutes on the hour and half hour from 6 am to 11:30 pm. (see the airport website: The bus station is right next to the Santa Maria Novella train station which is a ten minute walk to the heart of the old town. Taxis in Italy are expensive.

    Florence is a good choice for a quick trip because the old town is compact and easily walkable and not hard to find your way around. It's also a major tourist destination, so English is widely spoken and understood.

    All the tourist attractions will be open. There are lots of things you can see for free - the Orsanmichele, San Miniato al Monte, the Duomo, ... Fees for the Palazzo Vecchio, Accademia, Uffizi are generally reasonable. You should get an advance reservation for the Uffizi or Accademia, but the lines in October won't be as long as in the tourist season. There's a lot of shopping and eating that cover a whole range of budgets. Shopping depends on what you want to buy. You can control your food prices by filling up on pizza, or buying sandwiches, and there are markets where you can pick up fruit at reasonable prices. Most of the restaurants have menus posted before you go in, so you can judge choices and prices for yourself. You may run into some people asking for money, but I really haven't seen much of that in Florence.

    Getting around by train is pretty easy - the announcements in the station will be in both Italian and English although in smaller cities you go to that may not be the case. Siena, Arezzo, Pisa and Lucca are easy trips from Florence. The ticket machines have an English language option, or you can go to a ticket window to buy your ticket. You need to know that the ticket has to be validated before you get on the train - you time stamp it. Look for the yellow machines adjacent to the tracks.

    Don't worry, you'll have a great time!

  2. florence is an internationally recognized  university & artist city so many people speak english--  that's the last thing to worry about!!!!   very easy to get around!!!!

    re:  getting lost -- when you leave your hotel take one of the maps w/ your hotel location, brochures or cards so you have the address w/ you.  if you get really tired or feel lost take a taxi back.  

    plenty of shopping at outdoor markets & shops (definitely buy truffles)--  bargain at the large outdoor markets....go inside the huge market to eat wonderful sandwiches for not much money!!!!

    you will have lots of fun...october is great w/ cooler weather & even if it rains you can be inside galleries.

    you're in the perfect place to have the best gelato twice a day or more if you want!!!   walk to all the museums & parks.  if you want to see the surrounding area it's easy to book a day long bus tour to other villages across from acaddemia museum or from your hotel.....

    there are all kinds of restaurants for all budgets.  house wine is always good + affordable!!!!  very little begging.............i've been to florence several times at least & there's always more to go back to do!!!!!!

    you will have a great time!!!!! use this to book museum tickets in advance so you don't have to stand in line. you go to the front of the line when your reservation time comes.... they will fax reservation info to your hotel so pick them up when you arrive or to your home.........

  3. Florence is beatiful in October. The aiport is not that far a taxi would be the easist but may also be most costly.I dont think the train goes into Florence from the airport so you would have to take the train and then firgure out how to do connections. So I would just go with a taxi. Everyone speaks english up there because it is very touristy. Everything is open in October. You have the office art muesum but you should get your tickets in advance if you plan to go.I use to get the ticket. They have the Duome which is just awesome from the outside. Florence is costly thought because of the tourism the prices are more but they may go down a little is october. I would firgure around 5-8 for breakfast. 10-15 for lunch and 15-25 for dinner depending on where you eat. If you eat at nices place plan to spend the high range. They do have beggers and gypies dont give them money. they also have great gold and leather in florence if you are looking for something special. hope this helps.

  4. I went on a budget last March.  There is a ton of begging.  I had to put my hand in a Gypsies face to get her to stop and then she cursed me out in her language.  As for the language barrier, I think there are more tourists in Italy than Italians.  I didn't have any problems getting around at all.  Almost everything is in English, French, German and Italian.  If you are trying to save money don't eat in restaurants.  Take your food and go eat in a piazza.  It's great, you can get a really good meal and people watch.  I know it sounds cheesy, and you can do it cheaper with a bus pass (you don't really have to pay for public transportation) or you can do it on a big red bus from the Termini.  I believe it was 20Euro for two days.  It stops at a ton of different sites, you will be able to hit everything that you would want to if this is your first visit.  Catch it really early.  It also goes up to a smaller village called Feosole (I think that's how you spell it).  It was totally worth the money.  Just make sure you check the schedule well, it changes off season.  I don't know where you live, but in the US most hotel rooms have small fridges in them, and some have microwaves.  We only saw this in Florence.  So make sure you take full advantage of the breakfast that is offered.  Most will say they don't want you to bring the food to your room, but they don't stop you.  Eat up and fill your belly.  Then you can have a late lunch in the piazza, and a late dinner with the locals.  One restaurant that I suggest you splurge on is ZaZa.  It wasn't too expensive, but more than grabbing a pizza.  It's so good.  You will find that many Italians at least speak enough English to direct you either in the right direction or to someone else.  I didn't do a lot of shopping.

  5. I'll be there in October also, then going on to Verona for the winter.

    Take the train or a bus to Florence's train station.  Bus's run hourly.  then walk or grab a cab to your hotel.  Learn bits of italian ("do you speak English?," "to Florence?" et al) just quick phrases and many people will try to help.  Perfectly safe traveling alone, is a great site to find a hotel - easy walking city - find restaurants you like when you're out wandering during the day.  Have your hotel make reservations for the Uffizi Gallery and to see David that way you don't have to wait in line.  Do not do the jump on/off bus tour - it's impossible to find the stops again once you're off!

    There are gypsies and you really have to watch out for them particularily near the Doumo - even their children are accomplished pick pockets.  Do not be shy about holding tight to your purse and firmly say no or get away.

    I would not do any shopping at this time - there's nothing you can't get here and the dollar exchange is awful.  Unless you go out to the Outlet malls outside the city (almost a day trip) dolce & gabbana, prada, etc.  Go to enjoy the culture.  

    At night after dinner, go to one of the Piazza's you can usually find someone playing live music.

  6. From the airport to the center is 20 euro flat in a taxi which is recommended - 10 to 20 minutes depending on traffic. There are buses too I think, but the train doesn't go there (this is for the Florence airport, Peretola - if you come into Pisa there is a cheap train that runs all day but not late night).

    Most people in the center speak enough English that it shouldn't be a worry finding your way (if you are young, there are tons of students around that all speak English).

    What to do - everything. The museums and churches for art (enough to make your head spin), parks, sightseeing, street fairs, night life, it is pretty much all here - but the nightlife may be on a smaller scale than some big cities.

    October is a nice time of year - beautiful weather and hopefully before the rains really start. You can also go into the countryside and other towns (Fiesole, Siena) by bus for walks, hikes, to visit wineries, see castles, etc.

    You can eat cheap if you do it right - pizza by the slice, kebabs, pasta, etc. Cheap shopping at the markets of San Lorenzo and Sant' Ambrogio. There are beggars around but a firm no grazie usually works.

    Ciao - have fun.

  7. Pay attention to which of the paintings you view are on loan from some other museum in case you want to see them again.

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