
Thinking about going vegan, but...?

by  |  earlier

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... what are some things I should know, in terms of maintaining my health, and how to replace proteins and minerals I won't be getting from meat and animal products?

And also, how would be a good way to tell my parents about it?




  1. well im a vegitairn. i love being one. i love not eating meat the feeling of killing an animal to eat it doesnt sound can get protien by beans and rice together. you can get vegan food at your local grocies store. All you have to do is ask the store. i think going vegitairn is better then going vegan.

  2. Are you already vegetarian?

    If not, you may want to go vegetarian first, try it out, and then become vegan. I'd do it progressively if i were you =)

  3. I suck at talking about protein despite being a vegetarian. (going vegan, too) It's hard to hide it from parents because a lot of food contains dairy product.

    I'd suggest you explain animal cruelty to them a bit by bit and the bad stuff you get from dairy product. 'Skinny *****' is the best book you'll get in regards to the proteins, and a tad lot of disadvantages from eating animal products.

    Don't pour and slap them with animal rights, try talking to them a little about it from time to time.


  4. well im vegitarian to.... but one thing... dont go .. ok this is the last meat ever over and over again... for your parents... tell em straight forword

  5. The Vegan Society, the Vegetarian Resource Group, and the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, among others, recommend that vegans either consistently eat foods fortified with B-12 or take a daily or weekly B-12 supplement. Fortified breakfast cereals are a particularly valuable source of vitamin B-12 for vegetarians and vegans.

  6. what your parents would mostly be worried about is that it'll be bad for your health, so make sure you plan out your diet really well and that should reassure them that you know what you're doing

    they will probably also try and pass it off as a 'phase'

    they might also have a problem with having to cook different food for you and it being a lot of effort, so when you tell them maybe offer to cook your own meals if you don't already

    you'll need to take a vitamin b12 supplement and probably calcium too, but a lot of soya milk you can buy now has added calcium

    plenty of nuts and seeds is good for protein, and pulses too like chickpeas, kidney beans etc

  7. You should get them all if you replace milk with soy and eat plenty of green vegetables, tofu or tempeh, and nuts! :] You should tell your parents straight up.

  8. protein:eggs,peanut butter,yogert ect.

  9. soy beans/tofu is *the* meat replacement. it's practically pure protein, and healthier than meat. it can be seasoned however u'd like, as it has barely any flavor of its own, and it's particularly good for women, it balances their hormones or something.

    i'd call spinach a superfood. it has pretty much every vitamin in it.

    chocolate contains high amounts of magnesium and something-else-that's-good-for-u, not to mention anti-oxidants. best food in the world.

    u don't have to "come out" or make a big deal. just do your own thing,  buy tofu or soy when you're out shopping, order vegetarian meals, **** like that. if they ask, don't be afraid to tell them. it shows them that it's a simple decision, and won't change their own lifestyles beyond buying soy burgers now and then.

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