
Thinking about joining cross country

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i am 15 and thinking about joining cross country, im usually a baseball person. i never made a team sport and it sucks. ive been training and stuff and its pretty much gonna be my first time doin cross country. do i need to know anything about it?




  1. well, i did track which turned out to be even worse :P But just so you know, bring TONS of water, stretch before you run/warm up, really its the basics.

  2. Just know its gonna be tough. Cross country is primarily a mental sport and you can often beat more talented runners then yourself simply by having great mental toughness. Also the harder you train the better you will be. Most good runners train 6 days a week and the elite train 7. Just remember mental toughness, strong work ethic, and just run every race like your mad as h**l, even if you just went on a date with Jessica Alba or Beyonce or someone, you just gotta be a little crazy to be successful. Good Luck, I run cross as well.

  3. Run a lot.

  4. Definitely hydrate before you run... and be careful about how soon you eat before running -- I've never had a problem with it, but i've seen way too many people puking on the side of the XC course... The good thing about XC is that pretty much, if you wanna run, you can, because there aren't that many people who are willing to devote the time and energy to it. Good luck!

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