
Thinking about joining the border patrol and have a few questions?

by  |  earlier

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first what kind of drug test do they make you take. blood, hair, urine?

as far as the medical part i have mild/morerate ashma will that disqualify me. its not that bad as long i have my medicine. no ashma attacks or anything. i can ride a bike for 5+ miles (just stated exercising a month ago and couldnt even make it more than a mile)

any other info is appreciated. thanks.




  1. Most agencies just do a urine test.  As far as the physical requirements, I am not sure.  If you check out their website, you might find it there.  Other option, just call the recuiting office and just ask.  They will be gladly to offer the information.

  2. the training is very vigorus i heard

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