
Thinking about joining the marines?

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im 23. i feel like i might be to old. I wanted to do it when I got out of highschool but got talked out of it by my ex girl friend and my emplyer. Now I have been selling toyotas at a dealer for about 6 years and im really tired of the car salesman gig. the girl friend cheated on me too. I have not complains about the car biz as far as money goes. I think I still make more money than any of my friends. but I hate the job now. cant stand the business and the only way I see out is going back to my original plan, Im hoping I will learn some skills and get some money for school. start from square one so to speak. I want advice on how to take advantage of what the military has to offer.




  1. I'm 22 and just signed ARMY Infantry, unless your going Infantry I wouldn't join the ,marines or the Army, I know alot of military tradesman that haven't seen a tool since they signed up, if its job experience and training your looking for then look into the Navy or Air Force, I'm 22 and signed for 3 years, I went Infantry because If I make a career out of the military then Ranger's the way I'm going, but as a tradesman If I decide to get out after 3 then I just wasted 3 years as not quite a tradesman and not quite an infantryman, you don't learn sh*t for trades in the Army or marines, you sign up as an electrician and end up helping construct c huts and latrines  or searching for mines and filling in IED holes in Iraq like I said NAVY & AIR FORCE for training ARMY & MARINES for fightin

  2. You're not too old - you can join the Marines Corps until you're somewhere around 30. It is more difficult the older you are unless you've really kept in good shape BUT having more maturity than some of the 18 year olds can be a benefit in many ways.

    Be one of the 10% of the people out there who truly love their jobs. (but know that the military is not a catch-all and fix-all for everybody.) I loved the Navy, my husband has 14 years in the Air Force, but I've known many people who just should have been somewhere else...

    Good luck making your decision!

  3. You are older than average but not over the limit.  

  4. Go army...I've enlisted in the DEP for marine corp and I'm being told by marines the life sucks ***...

  5. Just remember that there are more jobs than just infantry and armour. The military has some really, and I mean REALLY neat "toys". Don't be like some many of the kid's that come here to Yahoo and are Rambo or John Wayne want-to-be's. My wife's nephew just retired after thirty years in the navy. They payed for his college education and he got his masters in human resources and is livin' high on the hog. The military is not all blood and guts man. h**l. I was an oxy-moron myself. For those of you who don't know what that is, it's Military Intelligence. I wore civilian clothes and went places I had never heard of.  

  6. go for it.  I have no regretts.  And don't listen to the idiot saying you wont actually do a trade. i have been in for 9 years.  In that time I was trained and actually "did the job" of an aircraft mechanic.  on top of that i also got trained in tig welding, sheet metal fab, composite repair, aircraft painting, hydraulics, and aircraft tire and wheel. And I was also the Shop supervisor of an Airframe  shop.   And now I'm in a motor pool Learning how to maintain 7 tons and humvees.

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