
Thinking about joining the military after highschool?

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i love the job my mom has. she is a councilor for burn victims and amputees who are coming back from war. she's met great soldiers and she's learned alot of stuff. i really am considering doing that and she told me it would help me alot if i joined the military (thinking about joining the Air Force). i'm only 14 but i'm already doing a little bit of research about this. i have one question though: should i try to get accepted into the University of Texas at Austin and then join or should i go straight into the military?




  1. Go to college first.  Then you can enter the Air Force as an officer.  We may actually be at peace by that time.

  2. I would recommend getting a bachelors degree first, then joining the military as an officer. The reason for this is that you get paid more as an officer than as an enlisted person - always a good thing.

    My dad joined the Air Force after he graduated from high school, and had a solid career for the next thirty years. The military doesn't have layoffs as much as other civilian companies, so you're pretty much guaranteed lifetime employment. It comes with a lot of benefits, too - if you wanted to pursue any kind of degree, the military will pay for it completely. You could also get stationed overseas in Germany or Japan, which I highly recommend.

    The AF doesn't require you to be strong or to go to war - that's the Army or the Marines. The AF is more about piloting, and watching radars. You don't need to worry about being shipped off to Iraq or anything like that.

    I would say go for it. You can always join the AF for a few years, and if you don't like it, get out. Maybe by that time you'll have figured out what you want to do.

  3. go to collage for at least 2yrs then join. then you can try to enrol as an officer. I've already been in the military. it ain't fun. they will work your *** of no matter where you join. it will help you get a good job if you quit after your given time. remember. if you join... the army owns you. don't dare forget it!

  4. I would encourage you to think about ROTC.  Let the military pay for your schooling.  An O-1 makes a lot more money than an E-1.  Talk to a recruiter about it.  You're 14 so they aren't going to be able to take you any time soon, but they can really direct you to some resources so you can make a more informed decision.

  5. Try for both... work hard to make sure that you get into UT (Go Longhorns!) but also keep checking into the Air Force.  That way you have some options when the time comes that you have to decide.  You never know, things may change and you might want to go ROTC (they will pay for UT then), or that UT isn't right for you, or whatever.  Good luck!

  6. if you go to the military first they will help with your schooling.

    i worked in the air force education office and we paid for the guys to go to school while on active duty.  all you have to do is to get a "c" to get it paid for.  then you get your schooling on the gi bill after you get out.

    but i have seen a lot of good careers done in the service that relate to good jobs after you get out.

  7. To the above people with limited knowledge on military life, yes an O1 makes more then an E1. But, have you ever seen what the O1E, O2E, and O3E's make. Look it up becuase if you enlist first not only will they pay you for your school, they will pay you a butt load more once you are commisioned becuase of your experience.

  8. wow that sounds like a cool job =)

    but i would go to college first, you always need an education to fall back on. at least, that's what my dad always tells me =p

  9. i was in the same position u are now... go to college first get ur education its always good then if u still want to join u can join any branch as an officer. way better than enlisted i say.  

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