
Thinking about not going back to work.. after maternity leave is over.?

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Has anyone experienced the feeling of not going back to work once your maternity leave is over..

I sort of dont want to return to work after my maternity leave... I sort of want to open up a home based daycare center, but I'm afraid to take a chance any advice.. I really want to do it, but at the same time I think about stability at the workplace. has anyone ever quit working after maternity leave and started their own home based business. if so how did it turn out?




  1. My wife and I started our home based business while she was on maternity leave, not with child daycare though.  We make more money now then we did working two jobs.  You can too in child daycare.  You can charge what you want.  Keep it in the range of what most people in your area charge. don't go to high until you build your reputation and clientel.  Which takes a couple of years.  My mother did child daycare for over 30 years.  It's pretty stable when your licensed for 14.

  2. I don't know but the link the other girl sent you is a scam.

    So don't fall for it.

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