
Thinking about signing over my parental rights?

by  |  earlier

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heres the situation first of all, after my tours in Iraq i came back and ended up getting a woman pregnant and about 3 months into the pregnancy she just disappears. i thought everything was fine at the time, we never fought or even disagreed with anything. about 2 days after shes gone her mom sees me in the store and starts just calling me horrible and worthless, ect. anyways i get no phone calls or anything during the pregnancy, not even when my child born, i acutally found out a week later that she was born. i go over to see my daughter and get arrested, i was completely calm they were yelling and threatening me with guns. i took them to court, and they brought up some of my mental records from the war, and the judge ruled that i was not fit ot see my kid basically. i tried two more times with different lawyers and samething. i havent ever seen my kid, not even a picture of her. ive been paying 400 dollars a month and its just getting old. they clearly are just using me for money.




  1. There is no way you should have to pay. If I were you, I would try and emigrate.

  2. this is why birth control is important.  be smarter next time.

    I am sure that you are allowed to see your child once in a while so look into a bit more.

    good luck to you.

  3. I think that it might help if you went and seen a counselor or therapist. But make sure you never miss an appointment! About a month into doing so, then schedule a court date, continuing sessions as well...tell the judge that you will do whatever it takes to see your baby girl,just name the price (but do not word it like that. Make it sound mature) Ask if you may request a paternity test so that way you have rights if you are the childs father. Then if they still reject you, Try and get supervised visitation. I hope I helped.

  4. Is it your kid, you need a paternity test done. What mental records would cause you to be a unfit parent? You need to get a good lawyer for men's rites [if what you have said is true] a good lawyer will work with you on payments. But if it is yours you have a rite and obligation to be in the kids life.

  5. got a lot of serious issues to think professional counseling with that the therapist can assist you in looking at the entire situation..with your issues the child's issues and what is right to do for the child in the long run

  6. It might be the best. Its sad that you can't at least get supervised visitation. Speak to a lawyer and see what your options are. In your shoes, I'd not want to be used as a sperm donor and forced child support for a kid they won't let you near.

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