
Thinking about suicide, no options left.?

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I tried calling the 1800 number which was no help, I dont have health insurance any more, and I am without a car. I dont know what to do.




  1. i hope this article helps!!!

    You Can Find Help

    ‘FORTY-NINE sleeping pills in a cup. Shall I swallow them or not?’ a 28-year-old man in Switzerland asked himself. His wife and children had left him, and deep depression had set in. After swallowing the potion, though, he said to himself: ‘No. I don’t want to die!’ Fortunately, he lived to tell the story. Suicidal impulses do not always lead to death.

    Alex Crosby of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said regarding teenage suicide attempts: “If you can restrict it for even just a few hours, you can stop it. With intervention, there are a good number you can prevent from going to a completed suicide. You can save their lives.”

    While working at the Lifesaving and Emergency Center at Japan Medical College, Professor Hisashi Kurosawa helped hundreds of suicidal people to regain their will to live. Yes, with some kind of intervention, lives can be saved. What help is needed?

    Facing Underlying Problems

    As noted in the preceding article, researchers say that 90 percent of those who committed suicide had psychiatric disorders or substance-abuse problems. Hence, Eve K. Mościcki, of the U.S. National Institute of Mental Health, says: “The greatest hope for preventing suicide in all age groups is the prevention of mental and addictive disorders.”

    Sadly, many who suffer such disorders are not inclined to seek help. Why not? “Because there is strong prejudice in society,” comments Yoshitomo Takahashi of the Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Psychiatry. He adds that as a result, even people who are vaguely aware that they are unwell hesitate to seek immediate treatment.

    Some, though, do not let shame stop them. Hiroshi Ogawa, a well-known television announcer who has hosted his own show in Japan for 17 years, acknowledged publicly that he suffers from depression and has even been on the verge of suicide. “Depression is likened to a common cold of the mind,” Ogawa said. Anyone can come down with it, he explained, but recovery is possible.

    Talk to Somebody

    “When someone is alone with his problem, then he usually sees it as disproportionately large and as unsolvable,” says Béla Buda, the Hungarian health official quoted earlier. This observation underscores the wisdom of the ancient proverb in the Bible: “One isolating himself will seek his own selfish longing; against all practical wisdom he will break forth.”—Proverbs 18:1.

    Listen to those wise words. Do not allow yourself to flounder alone in a sea of overwhelming personal problems. Seek out someone you can trust and in whom you can confide. ‘But,’ you may say, ‘I don’t have anybody to confide in.’ According to mental-health professional Dr. Naoki Sato, many feel that way. Sato noted that patients may avoid confiding in others because they do not want to reveal their weaknesses.

    Where can a person turn for a hearing ear? In many places he or she can enlist the help of a suicide prevention center or a crisis hot line or find a reputable medical doctor who deals with emotional problems. But some experts also recognize another source of help—religion. How can that help?

    Finding Needed Help

    Marin, an invalid in Bulgaria, had developed a strong desire to kill himself. One day he came upon the religious journal The Watchtower, a publication of Jehovah’s Witnesses. He responded to the invitation in the magazine to have a personal visit by Jehovah’s Witnesses. Marin explains what resulted: “I learned from them that life is a gift from our heavenly Father and that we do not have the right to harm ourselves or end our life willfully. Thus, I reversed my former desire to commit suicide and came to love life again!” Marin also received loving support from the Christian congregation. Although still an invalid, he says: “My days are now joyful and tranquil, and they are filled with pleasant things to do—even more than I have time for! All of this I owe to Jehovah and to his Witnesses.”

    The young Swiss man mentioned at the outset also received help from Jehovah’s Witnesses. Today he remarks on “the kindness of a Christian family” who took him into their home. He adds: “Later, the members of the congregation [of Jehovah’s Witnesses] took turns inviting me to meals day after day. What helped was not only being treated hospitably but also being able to talk to someone.”

    This man was greatly encouraged by what he studied in the Bible, especially when he learned about the love that the true God, Jehovah, feels for humankind. (John 3:16) Indeed, Jehovah God has hearing ears to listen to you when you “pour out your heart” before him. (Psalm 62:8) “His eyes are roving about through all the earth,” not to find fault with people, but “to show his strength in behalf of those whose heart is complete toward him.” (2 Chronicles 16:9) Jehovah assures us: “Do not be afraid, for I am with you. Do not gaze about, for I am your God. I will fortify you. I will really help you. I will really keep  

  2. Go to  -they can help

  3. suicide is a permanent solution

    i think about it everyday and i have permanent problems

    people seem to cant leave me alone

  4. I am sorry you feel there are no options left for you, but I am here to say that there are...

    Firstly, I would advise you to go to your local Emergency Room and get a psych evaluation. If things are worsening for you, there is the possibility of getting inpatient at a local hospital to help you through suicidal thoughts and other issues.

    Second, many local mental health agencies, or behavioral health agencies offer options for individuals with no health insurance. There are options like medicare, medicaid, sliding scale fees based on your income.

    I would encourage you to call more people (friends, family, look in the phone book; someone will have some insight or know others to call) until your questions are answered because as bad as things are to you at this moment, suicide is the most selfish thing you can do to your loved ones, and its the easy way out.

    Don't give up, there are professionals willing and ready to help you overcome this. Seek help today!

  5. Don't do it, things get better no matter what your situation. Reach out even if you can't do it to a medical professional. Talk to your family or your friends. h**l, email me @ . I'd be happy to talk to you. Things get better, don't worry, just give it time.  

  6. call a freind or a family member. even if you dont think you mean anything to them trust me you do. Just call someone right now. They will help you get the help you need.

  7. Don't kill yourself. You have so much you could do, and a suicide would just take away a chance at who-knows-what. I'm not gonna suggest a therapist, since other people already have. If there's something you like to do, or are good at, do it more. Make a living off it somehow. I program computers, and I'm 14, so age doesn't matter either. I really don't care what you do so long as you don't commit suicide. I hate it when people die, and killing oneself is even worse.

  8. Things may seem hopeless now, but you must work through them.  Everyone has problems, even though you think your situation is hopeless.  That's part of life.  There are always options.  Believe me, 5 years from now you will look back on this as a challenging part of your life, but will be thankful you pushed through it and you will be better for it.  I had a good friend, accepted to Harvard Medical School, athletic, had a good family and girlfriend, became depressed and decided to end his life.  He now will miss out on all the good things life has to offer.  There are mental health clinics that offer counseling for free or for very reduced rates.  Please consider this.  Don't make a mistake which will be permanent.  People care.

  9. toughen up

    why do you want to kill ya self

  10. Just stick in there. There are treatments and things that can help you live a happy life. Quitting now will not only destroy your life and your chance to make a difference in this world but will also deeply effect the lives of your family and freinds.

    Watch a feel good movie where the good guy wins and there is a happy ending. Life is all about hope and struggling.. We struggle knowing someday we will achieve everything we dream(hope) for. Its not easy but you just need to believe in yourself.. You will make it.

  11. You're not alone as I've thought of it myself though apparently I'm better off than you because I have a car and still have health insurance and a job. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. You will inadvertently destroy lives if you take your own. It's a selfish and cowardly act. But I know that you are in pain and are suffering. We all suffer and are in pain. I think you need to be out with other people. I think you will find comfort there. If you can go to a church and talk to someone there. I think you have other options. It's a tough environment right now. But things should change. We have to believe that. What if things do change and you're not here? You will have suffered for nothing. You will have impacted the lives of many others, many of which you won't even know. Please don't. This too will pass and good times will be ahead for you. Have some faith.

    edit: I have been feeling pretty down. I feel alone even though I'm really not. But I feel like my relationships are false ones except for the one with my husband. It's complicated. I feel like such a failure though I'm not. I feel like I'm struggling against things I just can't control. I feel like society and people are so hard and ununderstanding. It's a black and white world though it's not. There are many shades of gray.

  12. dont do it.

    go find a therapist. they will help you

  13. You don't say where you are but most counties have a mental health department. Also try to find a friend or relative to stay with until you feel better. I have also felt this way before, I know it seems hopeless, but its not. Life has a way of balancing out and it will get better for you. I know that doesn't sound like much help now, but you have to believe it will be alright.  

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