
Thinking cannot improve your ability to think. What is your opinion?

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Thinking cannot improve your ability to think. What is your opinion?




  1. I have have heard that you can increase your IQ up to 10 points just by reading. I don't know if you can quantify it this neatly but it is fairly obvious the mind is like a muscle the more you use it the stronger it gets. Practicing math, music, art, philosophy, etc, all help the mind to think, albeit in somewhat different ways but nevertheless promotes mental exercise and stimulus.

  2. I've been thinking about this question for years and I'm no closer to an answer...  So I have to say no.

  3. thinking can sort out your life

    to studying logic, can impove you thinking!!!

    there many books on logic!!!

  4. It does;but it may be mixed-up with an incorrect or even an unreasonable starting-point and thereby leading to sterility and even absurdity.

    Before i understood the critical work of the likes of (sir)karl Popper,for example,i myself did "exercise"my brain by reading the philosopher('s work, time and freewill)henri Bergson.His intricate and intospective work is,i think,not to be taken too seriously,which i think is the case now but which certainly was not at least in the early part of the 20th century.

    Nonetheless,as popper points out,all knowledge has some value and therefore all knowledge has some "point"to it;Often a theory needs close study to ascertain its importance,relevance,usefulness and longterm value(especially concerning our practical and academic requirements).

  5. Reading would help in the ability to think. Especially if you can read books on philosophy. It will help you formulate your own ideas. But reading books are one of the leading ways to better thinking.

  6. I greatly disagree!

    Thinking allows you to think more and definitely improves your thinking. Aristotle said that God's activity was thought, and that His thought had itself as its sole object: God's thinking is noesis noeseos, thinking of thinking. Thus, His nature is self-contemplation. That's the beauty of thinking. Thinking do improve your ability to think.

    Thanks for asking. Have a great day!

  7. That's like saying running can't make you run better.  It certainly can, but just like training to run has to be done with a purpose, so does training your mind,  and you must stretch, or you could pull your temporal lobe.

  8. Thinking is an ability. It is like seeing, or like tasting. Everyone thinks about something all the time.

    But one can train his thinking in a specialized field so that new ideas may emerge. This requires education and exercise. Like  wine testers... everyone tastes wine, but they are trained to notice fine differences.

  9. i think if u think that u cant think that thinking cannot improve your ability to think is that your thinking is at a deep thinking standard. carry on asking and thinking and u will think wisely

  10. Non sequester.

  11. If your thinking includes reasoning and logic, it can improve both... Also depends on what you call "ability to think"

  12. If you see a day spent thinking of questionable value, try watching TV all day then trying to remember what you saw.

  13. Practice improves performance in just about every

    other endeavor.

    Why would you except thinking?

  14. yes & no

    word puzzles & games that help excercise you mind or help you think outside of the box defineatly are useful

    however if you tend to over think & overanylyze things to the point of even self confusion then  no thinking may hinder your thinking-if that makes sence

  15. Of course it can.  That is what we all do--rethink, build, rebuild, react and act, and rethink again.  The learning curve sets a rhythm.  The categories of association are the lyrical phrases of the accompaniment.  And you, you are the conductor, the instruments, the joy, the spirit of the creation.

  16. This is a hard question, what's your definition of 'abilty to think'. I don't think you have a special abilty to think. I believe thinking is a part of living. And there's no 'abilty to live', online a 'way' to live. So I think you can improve your 'way' of thinking and not  you abilty.

    If you think about something you can discover new things and improve you way of thinking.

  17. Dear Friend,

                          I would like to give you some good sources to help you make good thinking. Your question itself answers your question. It was your ability to think that improved your ability to know more i.e. improve your ability to think. The question "What is your opinion" itself reflects your intelligence by questioning others i.e. your ability to improve your thinking ability.

                                                                                             Below are some points, i would like to share with you and some good sources to study and improve ones ability.

    1.Critical thinking is a domain-general thinking skill.

    2.Critical thinking is very important in the new knowledge economy.

    3.Critical thinking enhances language and presentation skills

    4.Critical thinking promotes creativity

    5.Critical thinking is crucial for self-reflection

    Logical thinking is a very important skill. Like all other skills, it must be taught. There are many everyday life situations in which the ability to think logically is of great importance. If a person stands at a curb and there is a car approaching, his life literally depends on whether he is able to think logically or not. If he can, he will understand that he must wait for the car to pass, otherwise it will run him over.


  19. You're wrong.

  20. Thinking is good it keeps the brain active especially in the older person...puzzles etc all contribute in keeping the old grey matter box working, which ppl of an older age like to do, they think it will keep them from becoming senile and loss of brain cells.

  21. I agree.. but what is an ability to think? is it the ability to think deep thoughts... or to find hidden answers... or to think quickly... it's aAAaaLlLll A mySTerY!!!!

  22. I would say that statement is false. The more you think, the more neural pathways and connections you create. Don't think of the human brain as a muscle, think of it as building material where you're building tiny bridges in your mind...The more bridges you make, the easier it is to process new information...

  23. I believe the best way to improve your thinking, is to think.  

    Isn't saying "thinking cannot improve your ability to think", akin to something like "lifting weight cannot improve your ability to lift"?

    I mean no disrespect, but what alternative way(s) are there to improve your thinking if not to "think"?

  24. Sharing thoughts and opinions does.

  25. I truly believe that if you don't exercise your brain, it starts to deteriorate just like your muscles, bones, and organs. If you don't provide some means of stimulation, the brain's ability to process information becomes less efficient, and everything it does goes slowly down the tubes. "Use it or lose it" seems to be the catch phrase for this.

  26. wrong - thinking more will only deepen the thoughts you have

    so, yes it improves your ability

    but it does not improve what you have to think about, that's where knowledge comes in :)

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