
Thinking for yourself for a change?

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Christianity in particular, doesn't it seem that religion encourages the dis-use of your brain?

Should you rather use our brain and discern religion for yourself?

Or if you do, it's considered a sin?

Tell me what you think.




  1. Actually, no Christianity allows us to consider for ourselves the validity of Christ's claim. We are free to accept it or reject it.

  2. I am Wiccan and I believe that parenting plays a big role. When my daughter gets older I will give her many resources and let her choose what she wants to believe or dis-believe. I'm fine with people choosing a religion if they know it well enough, it is the people who are christians and have no idea what the bible even says past a few quotes.

  3. Any religion requiring its adherents to leave their minds at the door is to be regarded very suspiciously.

  4. You are under a misconception if you think the Bible teaches us not to use our brain. God created man with such a wonderful mind,

    however due to the fall of man Mans (mind and emotion and will) the three components that make up mans soul has been damaged. In Romans 12:2 Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind. God wants us to use our minds but the soul should be guided by mans spirit the deepest part of man, because of the fall man our spirit was deadened and cutoff from contacting God. Man needs to be born anew of God's life through Jesus Christ as the life giving Spirit.

    When we receive Him as our savior mans spirit is enlivened, then through a day by day process of reading the Bible praying and fellowship with God mans soul Mind emotion and will are renewed,

    So mans thought are as God's thoughts man emotion loves what God loves and man will chooses the things of God. 1 Thes 5:23 may God preserve you spirit soul and body. To receive eternal life, eternal salvation is instantanous when we believe and receive Christ as our savior. But that is just the beginning The Lord as the life giving Spirit in us wants to spread from our spirit into our soul, this is transformation. This is mans life long process, that is what it means to take up the cross and follow Him. The more we follow Christ by obeying Him and denying what we want to do the more He will spread into our whole being. This way man is brought back to God's purpose for man. that man was created as a vesel to contain God to match God in life and nature To express God and have His dominion(execute His authority) This is why we were created. God does not want mindless robots He wants a counterpart to match Him. This is being carried out through and the church Ephesians 5:22-25 Amen

  5. yes, think for yourself for a change. just pure understandable human logic. use your brain the rightway i beg you. please.

    If you don't believe in God, and there ain't. you're right.

    if you believe in God, and there ain't. you're still okay.

    if you don't believe in God and there is. you are s***w big time.

    if you believe in the wrong god, you can draw your own conclusion. won't be good either right?

    don't waste you time, please.

  6. Why such hate for Christianity? People have a choice on what they want and believe. I live in America, home of the brave and free and a lot of the times weird. I am glad I don't live in your dictatorship world or anybody else's. No one is bashing your beliefs! Do what you feel and obviously you're doing it while trying to restrain someone else from doing theirs. What a double minded and unstable tactic!

    All I can say is seek your truth and be satisfied with your decision on it! You can't change  any body anyway. Maybe you can influence them but you have a lousy way of going at it.

    If you want to know about Christ all you have to do is ask Him to save you in a believers prayer (Romans 10:9). Trust Him as your Lord and Savior and He will guide you through life with better decisions and a stable mind and heart to receive truth. Don't go bashing others, that don't look good on your part!

  7. I think i believe what I do ,you cant change that

    tGod bless

  8. I guess there are some people who blindly accept or reject religion, but fortunately that isn't usually the case. It has been my experience that Christianity drives me to study everything from science to history to languages in order to make sure my beliefs are not just based on one book or my feelings. I have never found anything in my research that has been able to dissuade me from believing that Christ is God incarnate! You might enjoy reading Lee Strobel's book "The Case for Christ". There are many websites as well...try this one:

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